Scott Sonnon – Steven Barnes – Threshold Training
Threshold Training
[DVDRip – 2 MP4]
Two of the world’s most accomplished men in their respective fields have teamed up to offer their combined insights on the Path of Life Mastery. Scott Sonnon – International Martial Arts Sensation, known around the world as the “Flow Coach”. Steven Barnes – NY Times Best Selling Author, Screen Writer and Creator of LifeWriting. This DVD set presents the highlights from one of their joint seminars. See Steve and Scott live coaching! It would be impossible for one person to accomplish what these two men have done. They have mastered the three aspects of life mastery: a vibrant physical practice, a rich transpersonal community presence, and intrinsically rewarding service careers helping hundreds of thousands worldwide through their collective works. And they have created a method for you to tap into the connection between your physical, family and professional abundance. Through decades of searching, study and practice in a wide variety of incredibly successful peak performance technologies Steve and Scott have independently identified and collaboratively refined a process which requires only ONE HOUR A WEEK, but over the months and years becomes a rolling snowball of inertia to carry you beyond your personal and professional dreams. Through thousands of successful clients in completely different fields, Steve and Scott discovered that tapping into your unlimited potential is anchored in your physical practice and reticulates outward into your family life and professional career. Change your life in 24 hours: one hour a week. In one day, you’ll feel the difference. In six weeks, you’ll SEE the difference. In just 24 weeks, everyone around you will want to know what you’ve been doing. Have “Flow” in your personal life, your career, your physical performance.
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