Seduction Community Sucks v1.2 (1 PDF)
seductioncommunitysucks 1.2.pdf
“As for my review of this book, if I was Staff I would make it sticky on the first page, right under [How To Create and Seed A product Tutorial [1 movie (SWF)].” – KuvaldanThis is latest update of my eBook Seduction Community Sucks. There a couple of things in the original version that could have been misleading so I’ve gone through and changed them. If you have the original then you’re probably not going to get too miuch more out of downloading this one but I just wanted to make sure that things were up to date.And if you get some value out of this, keep your eyes open for the upcoming release of the follow up book End Game. It goes much deeper into explaining the underlying issues and what you can do to change them.Here’s the original description:Quote: I know this is going to get on quite a few peoples nerves, I know it’s going to ruffle quite a few feathers, especially of you’re a hardcore seduction community Man, but if you’re one of those guys who feel like there’s a better way to go about this journey, a more authentic, a more real, and a more genuine path to not only getting amazing success with women but also to bringing happiness into your life, then you’re going to get a lot out of this.In the book, I basically go through every one of the pieces of misinformation that the seduction community is using to keep you trapped in an endless cycle of needing their help to get what you think you want, and show you how it’s never going to get you what you want. Then, I show you a much faster, easier, and more real path you can take.To illustrate what I’m talking about, here’s the chapter list:1. Thank You2. How To Read This Book3. Double Your Rate Of Improvement (a prologue by Steven)4. Unusual Trends In The Seduction Community5. How To Become A Man Of Her Dreams (And Why Seduction CommunityAdvice Ruins Your Chances Before You Even Open YourMouth)6. What You Haven’t Been Told About Being A Natural7. Why Trying To Develop Confidence Is Making You Nervous8. Why Trying To ‘Demonstrate Traits Of Alpha Male’ Is PreventingYou From Being Alpha Male9. Why Doing Affirmations Is Bad For Your Congruence10. Is Trying To Be High Value Making You Low Value?11. Your Inner Game Brain Transplant12. Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs13. Why Learning Pickup Is Preventing You From Being Great AtPicking Up Women14. APPROACH ANXIETY? THE UGLY TRUTH.15. Is Learning Routines Making You Run Out Of Things To SayTo A Woman?16. Learning Qualification Is Preventing You From NaturallyQualifying17. Learning Calibration Is Making You Uncalibrated18. Inner Game Chapter I19. Advanced Inner Game Chapter I20. Advanced Inner Game Chapter IIThis isn’t me just recycling the same old community propaganda, putting a different spin on it, and calling it ‘Latest ground breaking seduction technology’, it’s me recycling 3000 year old concepts, supporting them with cutting edge neuro science, Masculinity research, and basic logic, and applying them to interactions with women.If you want to save your ratio, you can download it for free from my website www.attractioninstitute.orgHope you enjoy,LoGun
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