Shantam Nityama & Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re – Performing Open Heart Surgery
Performing Open Heart Surgery
[2 DVDs – MP4]
This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the…Nityama Open Heart Surgery (Orgasms Without Touching) GBStatus: CLOSED**** Exclusive **** Help us keep this site, your most helpful resource, all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.You will absolutely be banned from this site if you share this material outside.Thanks for keeping our exclusive community so awesome!Product Description:Part 1: Brother Polight (Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re) speaks to the audience with slides and allofthat.Part 2: Shantam Nityama, the Tantric Mongoose, speaks to the audience whilst waving his hands over some girls giving them orgasms, gets a good number of laughs, all smiles, everyone goes home happy.———-The climax of sexual excitement that is characterized by feelings of pleasure is normally associated exclusively with the penis of the male and the vaginal orifice of the female. What is there to be made of the female centrifugal energies and the male’s centripetal domain?Might we as a species be able to transcend the mundane clauses of the this realm’s conventional approach towards establishing ecstasy by physical means? Our sexual desires have become too materially engrossed. Perhaps, this is one of life’s greatest paradoxes, that physical sex may be a corridor towards a more lucid and yet incorporeal methodology.Sex has been qualified by the benighted as a convention that is engendered around the principle of physical gratification. To the contrary, when one copulates the whole experiences confides in the spiritual essence of the individual and thus one of the biggest deceptions of this physical plane of existence is the guilt associated with copulation.
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