Shapeshifter / Visionary Music – 2012 Gateways
2012 Gateways
[1 CD – 11 FLACs]
This is Exclusive to elib.clickYou Will be Banned if you Share This ElsewhereRiding the incoming waves of higher frequencies; enter the 2012 Gateways.All the tracks on this CD were created while focusing on the incoming waves of energy moving us towards the 2012 Gateways. Our intent is to offer these sonic transmissions as frequency packets that will assist you in raising your overall vibration — consistently and continuously day by day. Each person faces choices of how to perceive these potential nexus points; aligning with the inertial energy of the 3D world which is dissolving or with the emergence of the 5th World of Light — the choice is always within you. We offer these soundscapes to assist you in aligning with your higher path and purpose during these transitionary phases. The more of us who can hold this higher perspective, the less tumultuous the changes will be for us and our planet. We ride the waves of Light and Modulate the Lifewave through and beyond the 2012 Gateway – Enjoy the Ride.
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