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Shapeshifter / Visionary Music – Touch of Angels

Touch of Angels
[1 CD – 1 FLAC]



The angelic realms are here to assist humanity in so many ways. As one sets there intention to connect with this vast source of guidance, one is lifted on wings of flight to know deep within their being, that they are truly loved and cared for by beings beyond the known 3D reality.This soundscape was created after the passing of JoAnn’s Mom. She lived with us for the last few years of her life and our home was constantly filled with angels assisting her in her transitioning phases. This transmission is a communication from the angelic realms to ours.This 10 minute soundscape is truly a deep and powerful connection to these realms. Work with it anytime you feel the need to lift up beyond your earthly cares and concerns. You will be gently kissed with angelic wings of Light.


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