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Shawn Carson & Jess Marion & John Overdurf – Deep Trance Identification: The Companion Manual

Shawn Carson & Jess Marion & John Overdurf – Deep Trance Identification Companion Manual
[eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Shawn Carson & Jess Marion & John Overdurf – Deep Trance Identification: The Companion Manual [eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]Product Page: Deep Trance Identification Companion is designed to help you streamline your DTI modeling project. The Companion consists of detailed worksheets and step-by-step processes to assist you in modeling excellence. This book represents the core principles of the DTI process as laid out by Carson, Marion, and Overdurf in “Deep Trance Identification”. It is recommended that you begin with that book before using the manual.OPEN TO ALL


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