Shawna Kaminski – Pullups
Challengeworkouts – pullups
from: http://challengeworkouts.comHow anyone can do more pull-ups… even if you’ve never done a single one in your entire life…“They All Laughed When This 49 Year Old Mother Of Two Said She Could Do Twenty Pulls-Ups In a Row…But The Laughs Stopped And Their Jaws Dropped When She Grabbed the Pull-up Bar and Effortlessly Banged Out Five, Ten, And Finally Twenty Pull-ups In A Row”Dear Friend,Click play to see me knock out 20 pull-upsFrankly, it doesn’t matter if you’re struggling to do one pull-up or if you’re banging out multiple pull-ups and just want to take your game to the next level… I can help you get there. Just watch the video to the right if you’re not convinced.I know what you’re thinking…Yeah right!You probably think that I’m an anomaly, a freak of nature, or that pull-ups come naturally to me.Nothing could be further from the truth.You see, there was a time where I could barely hang from the pull-up bar and do a single pull-up. My brain could NOT get my muscles to pull me to the bar no matter how hard I tried and how strong my back was. These days I can knock out rep after rep of pull-ups because of a unique and relatively strange new training method that I’ve discovered.Before I tell you all about this strange new pull-up training system, let me first set the record straight on some things…I’m a forty-nine year old former grade school teacher and a mother of two teenagers. And I refuse to let my age and gender define my performance.And very much like you, I enjoy being active; I like challenging myself, and boring “gym” type workouts aren’t for me.How This Whole Thing Came To Be…One day I set out to challenge myself and try something new… pull-ups!Why pull-ups you ask?Well, first off, it’s the only exercise that I know of that defines what a true challenge workout is. Think about it… all other exercises require that you either pull or push only a portion of your body weight.But pull-ups are the ONLY exercise where your entire bodyweight is hanging by your arms and ALL of your bodyweight serves as the resistance.Now that’s a challenge!Plus unless you develop outstanding grip and forearm strength you’ll never maximize your pull-up prowess because your grip will always tire out before your back muscles do leaving you frustrated and disappointed.Not to mention that the all-mighty pull up is something that less than five percent of the population can actually accomplish.But who can really blame them?The pull-up is heralded as the ultimate challenge – the ultimate test of one’s total body strength and endurance, and the standard by which one’s level of fitness is ultimately judged.Simply put… you can cheat your way though practically any exercise, but not pull-ups. Look, you aren’t really fit unless you are banging out a few rounds of pull-ups with ease.But your body is NOT the only thing that changes with your mastery of the pull-up. Your sense of self-worth changes too.Let me explain…People are naturally drawn to exceptional things. And the pull-up, as you are well aware, is no easy feat.So you can just imagine all the attention you’ll get while effortlessly banging out one pull-up after another – from the gym staff, to the trainers, to the beginners getting back into shape, and even to those in single digit body fat. Your pull-up prowess will not only draw their attention, but earn their respect and admiration as well – especially if you are a woman.In fact, that’s just what happened to me, you’ll find out how I stupefied a gym full of fitness professionals when I banged out a ton of perfect pull ups…read on…How I Discovered the Unique and Unconventional Training Method To Quickly Building Pull-Up Power.See unlike all other exercises you can’t build your pull up strength and endurance using traditional progressive resistance training.Take the bench press for example. If your goal is to rep out fifteen reps with 225 pounds, you wouldn’t go into the gym and load the bar up with 225 lbs and start pressing, would you?Hardly.You’d find yourself stuck under the bar with an injury to boot!What you might do however is to load the bench press bar up to one-hundred pounds and then start progressively building up the weight and repetitions over the weeks to come until you knock out fifteen reps with 225 pounds.That’s progressive resistance training for you……and practically every exercise on the planet can be improved, bettered, and maximized with progressive resistance training except for the pull-up.See, when you hop onto a pull-up bar it’s just you, your bodyweight and your grip – that’s it.You can’t very well cut your bodyweight in half and use progressive resistance training methods to slowly build up your pull up strength and endurance. It just doesn’t work that way with pull-ups.Now you might think that the you could use progressive resistance training to build up your pull-up by using the lat pull down machine or the selectorized weight “pull up machine” that uses counter balance to reduce your weight.You’d be wrong. Dead wrong.See, exercise machines are okay for building your back strength and they do have their place in a pull-up training program… but you’ll never reach your full pull up potential using gym machines and equipment because they inadvertently take you out of the ideal pull up position and place you in a seated or braced position that’s actually counter productive to what you want to achieve.I knew there had to be a better, faster, smarter way to training for pull-up strength, power and endurance and that’s when I stumbled upon a concept called the controlled cheating principal.Here’s how controlled cheating works…Controlled cheating allows you to keep your body in the idea pull-up position while “cheating” your way though your training program. Your body remains in the ideal pull up position which helps to build ‘muscle memory’ as well as strength and endurance.What I discovered was that controlled cheating helped me quickly speed up my training and the results came fast. Over the next few months I decided to use myself as a guinea pig to create a variety of controlled cheating exercises to help me build up my pull-up prowess.Then I mixed and matched these exercises and along with conventional training methods to build the ultimate pull-up training program.The outcome… EPIC SUCCESS!A couple months after perfecting my controlled cheating principal I found myself at a fitness conference in Las Vegas surrounded by a group of professional fitness trainers who were in awe of my new training method and the fact that a forty-nine year old woman can bang out over twenty pull ups in a row. I was pretty proud of myself to impress the ‘best of the best’ in the fitness world there.It just so happened that there within the crowd was Craig Ballantyne, a world-renowned fitness trainer and author of many books on fitness and strength training and Men’s Health Magazine contributor.He later told me that after seeing me knock out twenty pull-ups in a row he challenged himself to beat me by doing thirty pull ups in a row the next day.But despite being a 36 year old world-renowned fitness trainer, Craig was only able to perform 18 pull-ups in a row.Me… a 49 year old mom beat one of the top fitness authorities on the planet in a pull-up challenge. Proof that my Controlled Cheating Principal works better than any other pull-up training program.Think about it… if a 49 year old woman can outmatch a younger, stronger male fitness expert, then don’t you think that this program could teach YOU a few training secrets to improve your own pull-up max – regardless of your fitness level?VIP+ NowPU+ NowUser upgrade to PU
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