Shinzen Young – Audio Collection I
Shinzen Young Collection
[15 CDs – M4A]
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He talks of three levels of maturity on the spiritual path and how to “love the suffering to death.”Carrying Meditation Into LifeHow to carry meditation from retreats and cultivate it mindfully in daily life. Provides several specific techniques. Includes interesting stories from Shinzen’s life as a monk.Conceptual Aspects of VipassanaComplimentary pairs on this Path including efforting and clarifying, as well as calming and concentrating practices; How the willingness to experience the poignancy of the “Spiritual Human Sacrifice” is a deep purification; How to get a continuous flow of pleasure; How limited identity is created and replaced by a paradoxical identity; Four ways to contact the “Invisible Field of Spirit.”Consciousness and Negative EntropyHuman beings are highly ordered pieces of the universe. Yet, we are constantly forced to face disorder. Our nature is for the mind to fight moment by moment to figure things out and for the body to try and become comfortable, but sometimes this is impossible so we need to have direct contact with an ordering principal that can never be disordered, then we never have to fear disorder of the mind and body. Shinzen describes this ordering force in detail.Dark Night of the SoulDiscusses an awkward intermediate state in spiritual development during which old motivations are seen as illusory. Everything is the same, so why do anything? Elaborates on how to get through this experience of lack of vitality and continue to grow personally and spiritually.Enlightened RageBegins with a guided meditation instructing you to think about something that makes you angry, to observe what part of that anger involves body sensations and what part involves the thinking process. By keeping track moment by moment of the components of rage and/or anger in the mind and body we can have the experience of “enlightened rage” (anger that is a pure of flow energy).Escaping Into LifeOur usual way of coping with uncomfortable situations is to “tighten up” and turn away. By turning toward and opening up to these circumstances we can find true freedom.Happiness for No ReasonStarting with a story of his introduction to a Zen temple and giving entertaining and specific metaphors, Shinzen talks of the definition of Enlightenment and how to be happy independent of conditions.How Insight and Love Reinforce One AnotherGives guidelines for the practice of virya (the quality of intensity or energy). Discusses how Vipassana practice and loving kindness practice are intimately linked and in the end are the same practice. As Vipassana practice gradually dissolves the accumulated poison and pain of a lifetime, one gets insights and experiences purification, then it is very easy to generate states of friendliness or loving kindness. Also includes what you can expect to experience after you leave a retreat.How To Choose Your Meditation TechniqueAddresses the frequently asked question, “What technique should I use in my meditation practice in terms of retreats and my daily sitting?” Gives guidelines to help you make choices regarding techniques. Shares the one underlying commonality in all techniques. Discusses in detail various strategies and techniques in the Vipassana practice. Explains the different phenomena that come up while meditating and what to do if experienced. Talks about the nature of enlightened consciousness.How To Do NotingA detailed explanation of a very useful Vipassana meditation technique.How To Get Enlightenment in a SaunaUsing different strategies and helpful metaphors, Shinzen describes in detail how to make mindful distinctions of body sensations — going into 3 sub-categories of heat and 3 emotional reactions to heat. He also gives specific applications to pain and to simply walking down the street as quick paths to enlightenment.How To Work With Dynamic QualitiesOnce a sensation is covered with mindfulness and equanimity one can become aware of its dynamic qualities. Shinzen outlines a strategy for “watching and yielding to the movement and non-movement qualities of body sensation which sets the stage for the purification of consciousness.Learning From The Marathon MonksReferring to the extreme example of commitment of the Marathon Monks, Shinzen talks of how fatigue and physical pain can be the easiest flavors through which to get deep purification. Sleepy tired sensations and our subjective reactions to them can lead to increased energy and focus as well as deeper purification and insight.Meditating Through FatigueWhen you get tired and sleepy it digs down into old material which takes you back to an early period associated with the initial formation of ego. There is an objective need (what the body actually requires) and a subjective need (the desire to avoid or have relief from certain unpleasant sensations). The subjective need can be transcended. Discusses a meditative approach for achieving this.
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