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Spencer Johnson – Who moved my cheese



I take no credit for the product but instead give credit to ionutzavram at for uploading this.This is a good example of basic storytelling with metaphors. It’s short and sweet too… 12 mins.Enjoy.  subie.This entertaining movie, based on the #1 bestselling business book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese?, is the animated story of four characters named Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw, and their experience dealing with unexpected change. Join these mice and little people as they journey through the “Maze” in search of “New Cheese”. The “Maze” represents where we look for the things that make us happy, while “Cheese” is a metaphor for what nourishes us, be it career, family, progress, wealth, spiritual well being, physical health, or anything else that gives our lives meaning and value.A rich parable, this 16-minute movie has impacted thousands of people in hundreds of organizations as they’ve learned to embrace change with a positive attitude and get better results! Are you looking for a light-hearted approach to help people deal with changes ahead? If your organization is going through any type of change, a merger, change in leadership or department structure, or simply having to accomplish more with less, this movie is for you!


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