Stanley Keleman – Somatic Reality
Somatic Reality
[ 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]
Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!” The body, ” declares Nietzsche , ‘ is a great sagacity.’The recognition of its seasons of change as phases of a process, not only physical , but equally as spiritual becoming , is Keleman’s grounding theme.” In Somatic Reality Stanley Keleman presents the most complete statement to date of his unique approach to the life of the body.He calls for an ethic that enhances both the family and the culture, and he evokes a vision of bodily life that satisfies our deepest personal , emotional and communal longings. In particular this book is about the bodily experiences that accompany transitions: the crises, changes and turning points that are part of each human life.thank you all for making this possible for all of us Joseph Riggio – MythoSelf Professional Training Module 2 : States GB Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU
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