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Stanley Keleman – The Human Ground – Energetic Concepts of Grounding 2ed (1973)

Stanley Keleman – The Human Ground – Energetic Concepts of Grounding 2ed (1973).pdf
[1 Scan OCR – 1 PDF]

Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This product is brought to you by Reichian Therapy/Orgonomy Books GB: no online page for this old bookletThe primary human condition, when seen from an energetic perspective, is the so-called separation of the body and mind, the thinking from the feelings and needs. Almost universally, we have made a separation between what we identify as our selves and our bodily processes. Yet, all of feelings, somatic states, thinking and action are expressions of a unitary energetic phenomenon.   This separation causes us to behave as if we were trees uprooted from the earth: we have lost our connection to our nourishment, support and ability to grow. In my language we are uprooted, we are not grounded. This is expressed in our upright posture when we have a poor relationship to the ground and don’t relate well to gravity. The energy used in expressing our life-connections and states is diminished.   Grounding also means being anchored in our physical-psychic growth processes: expanding and self-collecting ( contact-withdrawal ) , charging and discharging – the human energetic functions. The process of grounding is the satisfying of our biological needs ( food, shelter, sexuality, community, contact, family, self-expression, pleasure, imagination, etc. ) , the ongoing events that we label our being, or self, that is our organismic life.thank you parkerbj for donating this book to the always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs for everything I have been scanning and I don’t always mention her name.Access times:Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 8 WeeksUsers: upgrade to Power User


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