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Stephane Hemon – Cracking The Male/ Female Code: Volume 4 (Transcending Lust)

ideagasms Volume 4 Transcending Lust
[13 MP3s]


Description EXCLUSIVE. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITH ANY OTHER TRACKER/SITECracking The Code: Volume 4 (Transcending Lust) — Transcending Lust’ is a series of recorded consultations in which Stephane Hemon works with various men, assisting them to remove the blocks to experiencing Unconditional Love and true Bliss states.Perhaps not surprisingly, Lust is the deep, core, driving issue which energizes all of the issues men have with respect to women, Love, and even life itself.That is, lust is the “animal fuel” behind the dualities going on within the mind, including:1. Approach Anxiety or Shyness. The mind is plagued by thought-movies of getting rejected and humiliated. Beneath those thoughts is one’s lust/desire. (As lust is healed, shyness dissolves.)2. The “Madonna” versus “Whore” Complex. The mind of man is beset by a deep inner conflict or ‘duality’ between wanting a woman to be like his “mommy” and also like his “whore.” Thus, he tends to behave inappropriately around women as he is being driven by this deep inner conflict. In transcending the lust that is beneath this conflict, the conflict itself will gradually recede and disappear.3. Monogamous Relationships versus Serial Dating. This common duality expresses itself as a conflict between wanting to be in a stable, secure, and loving relationship versus the desire to “play the field” and enjoy as many women as possible. Many men repress one side or the other (e.g., the happily married man is often plagued by fantasies of being with anyone other than his wife). This then creates significant amounts of unconscious guilt. Similarly, the “player” often complains of being lonely and wishes he had someone special in his life. Thus, men usually repress one or both sides of the conflict and as a result, there is much needless guilt and suffering. (This conflict is also energized by lust/desire.)4. Approval/Validation-Seeking versus ‘Joe Cool’/Indifference. Although one truly wants approval, one desires for others to not know about it and thus pretends, postures, and ‘puffs up’ with prideful indifference. This duality or inner conflict expresses itself as a (rather transparent) expression of an, “I don’t care what others think about me” style, attitude, and demeanor. (It is fundamentally incongruous as this attitude is merely “put on” by a secret desire for approval). This common issue is also brought on by inner lust/desire.5. Alcohol and Drugs. Men drink and do drugs due to an unresolved yin and yang issue. Drugs and alcohol are yin; to over-consume them suggests a deep dissatisfaction with the yin energy in one’s life. Moreover, although man believes alcohol or drugs to be the ’cause’ of the resulting Bliss, this is factually incorrect. The drug merely blocks off significant aspects of one’s ego, allowing the Spirit to shine forth and become deeply felt from within. This results in a high, which is not ’caused’ by anything but is concordant with spiritual energy. Although man’s Spirit is always there, the ego often precludes his awareness of it. (As lust/desire — and thus the very core of the ego — is overcome, it results in a permanent high.)6. Sexual Problems. These include a host of issues such as promiscuity, frigidity, impotence, premature ejaculation, performance anxiety, porn addictions, confusion regarding sexual orientation, and more. Again, lust/desire is at the root of all these issues (without exception).* Etc.Lust is not ‘bad’, ‘wrong’, or ‘immoral’ but merely limiting. It is simply a consequence of being born a human. It has, however, ensnared mankind over the course of thousands of years, and it resides at the very core of man’s needless suffering. (Rather astonishingly, this simple discernment has actually escaped the awareness of the great majority; the basic error is only discovered, correctly diagnosed, and fully transcended by approximately even less than 0.1% of humans.)WHAT IS LUST?Lust is often associated with sexuality; perhaps the word ‘desire’ can help the reader to understand its broader implications. Essentially, lust, greed, desire, need, craving, and want are all one and the same thing. That is, lust/desire is an energy field of context. Which ever content is placed within this contextual field (e.g., women, sex, food, alcohol, approval, products, money, social status, the latest fashion, et al.) subsequently becomes glamorized, highly prized, etc., and ends up having (a rather hypnotically attractive) allure to it.For example, witness how many men enter a trance-like state as an especially beautiful woman enters a room. They are overcome with desire, and although they all naively assume the woman is the ’cause’ of their desire, in reality, all desire stems from within and has no external ’cause’ in the same way that gravity has no cause. (The cause of gravity remains illusive despite exhaustive mental effort applied to the subject.)It is important to become aware that one’s lust/desire can never be satiated, nor can it ever be fully satisfied inasmuch as it is actually an energy field similar to the field of gravity. (No matter how many apples fall from the tree, gravity never rests.) Thus, the only way to deal with lust is to transcend it by consciously evolving beyond it.By analogy, the only way to avoid getting hit by oncoming traffic is to shift to a different lane. Similarly, at one level of the sea there are shrimp; should one decide they would prefer to swim with dolphins, there is no need to repress or wage war against shrimp — one simply rises on up to a higher level in the sea.INSECURITY VERSUS ‘YANGHOOD’Overcoming the iron chains of lust does not result in a “loss” of masculinity, virility, or Yangness. Instead, one joyfully learns what it means to truly become an authentic Man. The average man is not really a Man at all, but a teenager.Teenagers are obsessed with approval, validation, shyness, ‘pickup’ and flirting, wantingness, inappropriate emotionality, competition, comparing one’s self to others, jealousy and possessiveness, fear of “losing the girl”, insecurity, envy and resentment, pseudo-confidence and pride, attention-seeking, the inability to focus or concentrate for long periods of time, indecision, complaining, restlessness, worries about one’s appearance, muscles, penis size, and more. These are not representative of Manhood but of childhood and teenager consciousness.Many men behave, dress, and speak like adults on the outside, but are merely play-acting. They may even hold powerful positions in society, or be married with children; yet deep down they are not Men with a capitol ‘M’. (Perhaps women instinctively know it?)Transcending lust does not, as the ego/mind would have one believe, result in a state of apathy or flatness but instead results in a deep inner joy that is truly beyond any particular ’cause’. Not unlike a higher gravitational field, deep joy is available to everyone always, however, it is usually “clouded” by many unconscious issues of which lust/desire is the central theme.As lust progressively dissolves, one does not feel they have “lost” anything valuable at all (including one’s sexual appetite). Instead of any “loss”, there is an increase in energy, vitality, courage, and especially self-worth and self-esteem. To master one’s lust results not in pride, but in a deep inner gratitude, humility, confidence, and true happiness which are all the result of no longer being at the mercy of one’s ego/animal instinctual nature.Without realizing it, the average male has really been a slave to his desires, perhaps since the very dawn of humankind. As desire recedes, it is replaced by Spiritual Love, Joy, Happiness, and thus a truly authentic Manhood.PLEASURE VERSUS HAPPINESSHappiness is really unknown to the great majority of mankind, which has been substituting true happiness with pleasure (i.e., food, drink, sex, entertainment, attention from peers, comforts and distractions, etc.). Although pleasures make one feel semi-decent in the moment, they do not last inasmuch as one has erroneously placed their “happiness” on something that is ‘out there’. Moreover, indulging in pleasure creates unconscious guilt, which in turn results in rapid aging, stress, sickness, and disease.As lust is progressively overcome via the simple, time-honored, zen-based techniques and wisdom (all outlined in this program), it results in the recognition that all of the issues and limitations and frustrations one previously had with respect to women and Love really did all boil down to lust throughout one’s entire life. Every moment one spends on healing lust (using such simple practices that perhaps even a child could apply) leads to incredible success with “Woman And World” (not to mention one’s Spirit) in due time.THE SINGLE ‘CRITICAL FACTOR’ WITHIN MANIn any highly complex system such as a computer, or political system, or even a human being, there is often one Single Critical Factor where only a small amount of pressure can be applied in order to start, stop, move, change, or even destroy the entire system.That is, even a great locomotive-train can be made to come to a complete halt if one can simply locate, and push, a tiny button. Similarly, under certain conditions, an interconnected series of computers located all over the globe can all be manipulated simultaneously by applying less than one ounce of pressure to the click of a mouse button.In the infinitely complex system of man’s issues, failings, incompetence, fears, worries, broken-hearts, and frustrations with the opposite sex, that one Single Critical Factor is lust, truly. Again, the one button that needs to be pushed in order for man’s entire system of conscious and unconscious limitations and insecurities to come to a complete stop is lust!“When lust/desire recedes, man’s unresolved issues and even his toughest challenges fall like a row of dominoes.”–Stephane HemonWHY WOMEN RESIST MENLust/desire creates an automatic and unconscious aversion in women. Even if the lust is repressed, denied, resisted, kept under control, etc., and even though one is perfectly capable of pretending as if one’s lust really isn’t a problem (by learning to “play it cool” or even by using semi-clever “pickup techniques”), one’s lust is still playing a highly active role and thereby continually creating an unconscious aversion in women and in the world (irrespective of whether or not one is conscious of this).Lust is based on the energy of force, and in physics it is well-understood that force always results in equal or greater counter-force. (Lust/desire indeed makes life much more difficult than it really needs to be.)As a man approaches a woman with repressed lust, it sets off an unconscious “alarm bell” inside her. (Women are very intuitive indeed.) She then resists him in a myriad of (often undetected) ways, and both the man and the woman are largely unconscious as to even why. She may tell her girlfriends, “I don’t know why I was so cold with him. He was cute and charming! Why did I push that guy away? What’s the matter with me?”Of course, men walk around feeling hurt all the time and are often confused as to why communicating with women can be so difficult, frustrating, and fruitless. Many men even develop a “Why bother?” attitude and live out the rest of their lives in a loveless, joyless state of depression and hopelessness.“As you heal and overcome your lust/desire to a significant degree, there is nothing for the woman to resist about you anymore! Only Love remains.”–Stephane HemonLOVE IS NOT A VERB, ACTION, OR EMOTIONOne’s Love soon becomes akin to a gravity field which naturally and effortlessly attracts women. One’s conversational ability becomes smooth and flawless. Emotion is replaced by Stillness. The sense of humor becomes automatic. Even life itself becomes easy.Moreover, there is often little or nothing that needs to be thought over in one’s mind, much less verbally spoken.One can often approach a woman in a state of inner silence, simply look her in the eye, and her intuition reveals to her that, “This man is not like all the others.”Resistance, non-acceptance, discomfort, and rejection are soon replaced by openness, safety, trust, and fluidity. Upon approaching her, the woman softens her gaze and opens up like a flower.Eventually a deep inner Bliss develops in the man. As one approaches a woman from the state of ‘zen-like’, rock-solid, unwavering Silent Bliss, one’s energy field is infectious. Bliss often overtakes the whole interaction and ‘runs the show’, so to speak. (Bliss comes about not as an emotion, but as a deep inner Stillness. Notable is that Silence, Stillness, Bliss, and Love are all one and the same thing.)Perhaps it can be said that lust is the repellent, and Bliss is the magnet.LUST AND EGO VERSUS ‘THE NOW’In overcoming lust, one is simultaneously overcoming the very core driving force behind the ego itself, and thus, the mind automatically becomes more silent and peaceful in all contexts, and not just in the context of being with a woman.Emotions such as worry, guilt, regret, anger, frustration, and stress progressively dissolve.The ability to easily live in ‘The Now’ soon follows.Peaceful states then emerge automatically and are continuous, irrespective of what is ‘happening out there’ in one’s surroundings. It is then discovered that Stillness, Bliss, Peace, Love, and rock-like self-confidence do not come from the ego or mind but from the infinite field of consciousness (i.e., the Spirit).A few topics discussed in the audios include:▪    How to handle your girlfriend becoming progressively more Aloof or distant;▪    What do to when you feel insecure or upset in the relationship;▪    How to break free from blaming yourself over and over again;▪    The whole truth about “Sex and the City”;▪    How to react when your girlfriend actively misinterprets everything you do or say;▪    Why everyone is so afraid of disapproval;▪    How to deal with fear via radical honesty;▪    How to quickly deal with intense paranoia in relationships;▪    The true reason why women are attracted to “Bad Boys”;▪    Surprising signs that your girlfriend might be cheating on you;▪    How to differentiate being paranoid with your valid intuition;▪    The truth behind Bondage (i.e., sex games);▪    The truth behind Sacral Chakra issues;▪    The “Bitch” Archetype;▪    How to cope with self-rejection;▪    The history of Love on this planet: Love is a NEW emergence;▪    How to see past the dilemma that Love is a weakness;▪    What attracts “Whores” in our lives and how to attract higher quality women;▪    The whole use of Polarity in our relationships with women;▪    One crucial mistake nearly all men make psychologically;▪    The major difference between being nice and ‘coming from the Heart’;▪    The 3 levels of “Relationship Maturity”;▪    One simple and powerful technique to transcend Fear of Rejection;▪    The true nature of the “People of the Lie”;Other ideaGasms Volumes:Cracking The Code: Volume 1 (Dating: Behavioral Analysis of ‘Non-Integrous’ Women) — UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 2 (Death of Approach Anxiety) –UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 3 (Transcending Sympathy/Denial) — $47GROUP BUY THREAD: The Code: Volume 5 (Women, Spirituality and God) — UPLOADED: The Code: Volume 6 (Beyond Polarity) — UPLOADED:


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