Stephen Edwards – Face the Fear and Feel the Power
Face the Fear and Feel the Power
[15 mp3 1 DVD IDO 1 CD ISO]
Learn how to harness fear and use it to your advantage, and you’ll have the key to unlock any closed doors in your life. Discover what fear really is, and how to use it to your advantage!Experience the power of: * Better relationships. * Greater financial wealth. * Success in your career. * Deeper spiritual awareness. * More joy and happiness. * Deeper connection with others. * Overcoming the three core fears that reside in everyone. * Turning bogus beliefs into enlightening beliefs, genius beliefs. * Tapping into the power of awareness, knowledge and experience. * Using fear as a guide, not a controller. * Changing belief patterns that simply aren’t working for you anymore.In fact, I think it’s safe to say that just about everything most of us wish for in life – but have found to be elusive – stands waiting for us behind the veil of our fears.The Purpose of Fear Is Not to Make Us Feel Inadequate … But to Show Us We Are Powerful Beyond MeasureFear is a powerful force. It is not a concrete reality – but rather our anticipation of an outcome, based on something that happened in the past. Or something that might happen in the future.Which means that fear is merely an idea. Granted, it is an idea that comes with a lot of powerful emotions and feelings. We experience it on every possible level – physical to emotional and back again.But really, fear merely provides us with an opportunity to see something we need to resolve in ourselves in order to experience more of our potential. It provides us with everything we need to face a challenge.But instead of using all this energy and power gifted to us by our feelings of fear – most of us run in the opposite direction from our fears.So many of us are missing the point!This gives fear power over us – without ever giving us the chance to feel the power of facing it head-on – and growing from the experience.So every time we run from something we fear, we lose a little more confidence. We create doubt about our capabilities. We feel insecure.Little by little, over a period of many years, we allow our negative feelings about fear to take over. Gradually, we can even forget who we are and what we are capable of because it’s been so long since we felt truly powerful.As human beings, we need to feel powerful. We need to feel confident and important, competent and connected. And most of all, we need to feel loved. This is our natural state of being – when we are not afraid.When we lose these necessary feelings, every single area of our lives is affected: our relationships, self-respect, work life. Even our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health suffers.
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