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Stephen K. Hayes: To-Shin Do – Mountains of Strength

[3 DVD – 9 avi]


Quote:MOUNTAINS OF STRENGTH four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the earth stability element ground-holding method of Stephen K. Hayes’ 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do�. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing the kind of no-nonsense strengths that will allow you to overcome many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in White Belt and Yellow Belt training leading to Blue Belt in To-Shin Do.MOUNTAINS OF STRENGTH DVD 1Holding Your Ground Against Frontal AssaultUnarmed, close-range, tight-footwork defense against punches, shoves, tackles, and restraintsMOUNTAINS OF STRENGTH DVD 2Holding Your Ground Against Assault From BehindUnarmed, close-range, tight-footwork defense against chokes, shoves, tackles, and restraintsMOUNTAINS OF STRENGTH DVD 3How to test your Earth Element Ground Holding DefensesDescription from


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