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Stephen Nash – How to Get a Girlfriend 3rd Edition

Stephen Nash – How to Get a Girlfriend
[1 eBook – PDF]



3rd Edition Updates:   *  Social Skills – in depth about approaching women in ANY situation – naturally and with charisma (most pickup artists have no clue how to do this properly)   * Social Skills – Engaging women into charismatic conversations that fill her mind with mystery and intrigue (specifics WORDS to use, and also how to gain the underlying SKILL necessary to creating your own)   * Social Skills – My secret formula of Engage/Hook/Connect and how I’ve made it the most powerful way to carry a conversation with women (it’s really the nuts and bolts of other methods out there, simplified and easier to understand – just the meat, not the milk)   * Lifestyle – Developing a social circle than makes you happy and always busy on a Friday night   * Lifestyle – Finding women ready for a relationship with YOU (not getting the “player” girls that CHEAT)   * Lifestyle – Social circle management – and the DIFFERENT ways to do it   * Dating – Dating intelligently and NOT making a fool of yourself   * Identity and Purpose – Loads more step-by-step information for discovering your identity and purpose   * Identity and Purpose – Why this is powerful, and how you can cultivate it to make you happier (something you wish you’d known growing up)   * Identity and Purpose – your missing link and how you can find it (something I did personally that makes all the difference with women)Some Of What You’ll Find Inside…   * 9 symptoms of a weak, “needy” man that brings bullying from guys and little or zero chances of commanding the interest and respect of attractive women. Watch out! You could be guilty of committing one of these attraction killers! Page 24   * 2 quick-action steps that’ll have women approaching you first. Page 43 – 44   * The single-best way to get a gorgeous woman’s phone number. (Shy guys always love this one!) Page 51   * What’s the best place to take a girl on a date? Here’s the single-best “customizable” date idea that immediately puts you in control of the dynamics of the relationship and right away starts to win her heart (Be careful, this is powerful.) Page 35   * 8 rules you must-know to enhance your sex appeal and gain confidence even in the presence of picky “10’s”. Page 26   * Conversational skills that will never leave you wondering “what do I say”” If you’ve relied on BS gimmicks and lines up to now – graduate into REAL SOCIAL SKILLS by learning these (this may be the most important part of the book). Page 94   * How to master your first impression so you ALWAYS look your best, and project a confident, masculine presence – if you fail to capture her attention at first glance, you may lose your chance. Page 55   * 5 things you might be doing when talking to a woman that will make her only want to be friends. (A must-read guys, seriously) Page 61   * 6 conversational topics that’ll get the attention of almost any sexy woman in the room. (Know this, and you’ll have an edge over the “players” and “naturals” out there.) Page 78   * 3 keys to living a lifestyle that automatically draws women like flies to honey. Page 104   * The essence of what makes absolutely ANY MAN, regardless of his looks or his income sexy to a woman. (And how you can use this to your advantage to get hot women asking you out.) Page 8   * How to use “baiting” to GET WOMEN TO CHASE AFTER YOU. Page 75   * Why you don’t have to fake being cool, or be something you”re not or play head games to get attention from women – when you can become the ‘real-deal’ – a successful, confident, attractive man women pursue. Page 6   * How regaining your power as a man automatically makes you a ‘woman magnet.’ Page 20   * One of the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT things you must do to attract (Where they often approach you first) quality, attractive women that won’t toy with you or break your heart. Page 90   * Why being a “successful man” in the eyes of women doesn”t necessarily mean money and fame. (This will shock and delight you.) Page 12   * The automatic and biological “screen” that women filter men through when dating them. Page 39   * The first essential skill to living a successful and fulfilling life. Page 13.   * Why a simple “mindset” re-adjustment can almost instantly make you interesting and romantically appealing to women. Page 16   * How “living in your own reality” can make you a confident man respected by others, and secretly fantasized about by women. Find out more. Page 21   * What you absolutely must do to guarantee the girl you have your heart set on keeps coming back for more of you. Page 114   * How to quickly increase the amount of friends and dates you have. Page 53   * How to stir up the emotions of arousal, interest, attraction, respect and romance from almost any drop-dead gorgeous woman. Page 81   * Why even guys who aren”t attractive can look sexy, mysterious and irresistible to women by making a few affordable tweaks to the way they dress and style themselves. Page 88   * The three “P”s” to building a lifestyle with sex appeal. Page 36   * Flirting secrets complete with real-life examples of “how to”. Page 67   * Is your social life dead or dull? Here are some tested tips to help have a healthy social life that brings you tons of fun, and important contacts and connections. Page 39   * Are you able to get dates but can”t seem to get a girlfriend? Here are 4 things that could be killing your chances with the ladies. Page 40   * How to talk to women on the phone. (This is one area where most guys screw up BIG TIME.) Page 41   * How the way you dress and carry yourself reveals what you really think about yourself to the rest of the world. Page 86   * How to present yourself with power so you gain the respect you want! Page 45   * A 4-step blueprint that’ll make you instantly liked and accepted at any social outing. (The side effect is that women will want you). Page 49   * Simple 3-step blueprint that makes you into a skilled, smooth conversationalist even with intimidatingly beautiful women. And they’ll love you for it. Know this and you’ll never have a problem interesting a girl again. Page 58   * Happen to spot an eye-catching woman you’d really like to go out with but you’re in too much of a time crunch to really approach her? Here’s a fast almost guaranteed way to land a date with her. Page 64   * Why complimenting a woman’s good looks almost never works and instead makes you look like an ass. Here’s what you should compliment to arouse her interest in you. Page 71   * One of the best places to take a girl on a date that’ll win her over! Page 111   * 5 keys to finding ‘the look’ that’s right for you   * How to develop your own appealing, unique style that’ll bring you more success in work, relationships and with great-looking women. Page 97   * How should you in particular style your hair? Here’s how to find out what the hottest hairstyles are for attracting sexy women. Page 99   * The single-biggest grooming mistake most men make that’ll ruin their chances with women. Page 99   * How reclaiming your power as a man and becoming the ‘prize’ transforms you into a woman magnet. Regardless of what you look like or how shy you are. Page 102   * How to become the smooth, cool, calm guy that almost always gets ahead in life and wins big at what he puts his hand to. Page 105ALL of those things AND MORE are covered.Enjoy this one. It cost me $50 because I missed the $10 sale. If it really does help you, maybe look at buying it yourself just to give back to someone that could help you so much.Cheers


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