Stephen Russell – Barefoot Doctor’s Sonic Healing
Stephen Russell – Barefoot Doctor’s Sonic Healing
[WebRip – 12 MP3s]
Barefoot Doctor’sSonic HealingAbout authorThe Barefoot Doctor aka Stephen Russell is famous for soulfully evolving and lovingly presenting the ancient Taoist principles in a pure and simple manner. The Barefoot Doctor has been at the helm of the personal development movement in the United Kingdom for more than two decades. The author of 13 bestselling books, he has devoted his life to interpreting, simplifying, and sharing the Taoist system of medicine, martial arts, meditation, and creativity. The Barefoot Doctor has an international following of millions around the globe who log on to his popular web site and attend his various talks, seminars, events, and club nights. Product InfoEverything is energy. Even as you read the words on this page, an incredible ecosystem of energy is flowing through and around you. When energy takes form, it starts as sound. So primarily you are made of sound and as sonic frequencies pass through your system, they create a range of effects. You associate particular sounds – like waves lapping on the shore – with feelings of peace, connection and bliss. Whereas sounds like chalk on a blackboard or screeching sirens can leave you feeling edgy, disassociated, jarred. And at this time of global awakening, of shifts in global consciousness, the energy ecosystem is more directly influencing your emotions and desires, and can have a profound effect on your life. So the question to ask yourself is…..Is your personal energetic ecosystem working the way it should?And, importantly, do you know how to influence it? To uplift and empower any aspect of your life quickly, easily and pleasurably? My sonic healing cycle is a means to reprogram your circuitry at a radical level through frequency and tempo, to encourage healing, the state of wholeness and completion (as opposed to the more fragmented, split-off way we tend to use our consciousness), and while the music element is entertaining and relatively complex, there’s no actual need to get involved with it at that entertainment level if you don’t fancy. I’ll tell you more about it in just a minute, but first it’s helpful to have an understanding of….Tan tiens , chakras & sound The Taoist schema sees your personal energtic ecosystem as having three core centres or tan tiens (heaven fields) – your lower belly, heart area and mid-brain. These centres include and control your chakras {think of their relationship as like floors (tan tiens) supporting carpets (chakras)}. Each tan tien controls an area of your life. Personal power Stimulate the tan tien behind the navel, you stimulate your power – useful if you want to be effective in business or perform better at work to get that raise or promotion. Relationships Wish you could connect better with the people in your life and eliminate misunderstandings? Focus on healing the center behind the breastbone, whence issues your love and beauty. Intuition Want to become more consciously aware or improve your intuitive? Connect with the mid-brain, from whence your divine consciousness issues. Stimulating and balancing your tan tiens is the essence of energy healing and one of the most powerful and pleasurable ways to heal is using sound – sonic healing.Life force, balance & flowSound resets your system at the deepest level, the soul level, after which all the more relatively superficial physical systems reset themselves and symptoms resolve – particularly mental disharmony and emotional upset. Sonic healing happens through your tan tiens – the focal points of your life force, or prana – centres for your holistic well-being. When your tan tiens are each in balance, you are in balance. When one or more are out of balance, you can face challenges, not just with health, but in your relationships, finances, career and sex life. Sonic healing strengthens, harmonises and re-balances your tan tiens to help heal many different areas of your life and get you back in flow. And when you’re balanced and in flow you become like those people who seem to possess the keys to everything they ever want in life.What are the benefits of balancing your tan tiens?With a balanced lower tan tien controlling your personal power, you•almost effortlessly experience peak performance in your work and play, attracting all the money you need, whilst looking sexy and fabulous doing it•enjoy passionate relationships with regular mind-blowing sex, even if life seems extremely busy and/or you’ve been in a relationship for years•consistently project an image of unwavering confidence, even in the toughest of situations, so you feel excited and able to play an active role in your family, work and social communitiesWith a balanced central tan tien controlling your interactions with others, you•enjoy deep, loving and understanding relationships with your partner, friends, colleagues – even with your teenage children – solving any problems or disputes amicably•always speak your mind, wear your heart on your sleeve and are respected for your authenticityWith a balanced higher tan tien making you more consciously aware, intuitive and empowered, you•rely on your ‘gut’ feelings to effectively solve challenges at home and make important decisions at work•experience a strong connection to your higher self and the Tao, feeling secure and watched over.So how does sound help achieve this balance and flow in your life? It’s all to do with vibrational resonance:•sub bass sound affects your pelvic floor, hence your sexual and elimination activities•bass affects your navel area – benefitting your kidneys•mid range affects your solar plexus and heart, and•treble affects your respiratory and brain/nervous system.This is nothing new, but modern medicinal music like my sonic healing cycle takes it to new levels.Sound is one of the earliest energy healing practicesThose Taoists in ancient China, five thousand years ago, knew the power of sound to bring balance – using the six healing sounds and the aum as part of their energy healing techniques. But they were by no means alone. Across Asia chanting and gongs were used for meditation and transformation. Ancient Egyptians sang vowel sounds to accelerate healing. Babylonians employed drums and rattles, Australian’s Aboriginal people used the vibrational sound of the digeredoo or Yidaki, Pythagorus favoured the lute and lyre. Yet it took the West up until the 1930s to recognise the medical properties of ultrasound and to begin to rediscover the art and science of sound healing. Now, modern physics has verified that we are all vibrating atomic and sub-atomic particles and that everything has a resonant frequency – the frequency it most naturally vibrates at. In a healthy body every organ, bone and tissue produces balanced frequencies that create a healthy harmonic. But sometimes the band gets out of tune and that’s where sonic healing – call it medicinal music if you will – can bring you back into balance and help your life to flow again. Sound goes to the deepest level instantaneously – right to the soul. Energy healing at its best does so but tends to be more superficial because there are very few healers that powerful or plugged in, hence these are better for addressing symptoms whereas sound gets you from the ground up.Sonics, energy & the aum I’ve always been aware of the power of sonics to change the state. Even as a small child, I’d bang out rhythms on logs, or pots and pans and marvel at the reverberations and how they moved the energy in my body. And even more how they instantly connected me to the source of being – something small children know a lot about. One day I heard the OM (AUM), the background radiation sound wave, the reflections of which feeding back on each other give rise to light and all phenomena associated with light, including you and I and all humanity to name but one small example. It operates at a full fifty octaves below normal human hearing capacity and is so deep, so loud and so all-enveloping it appears totally silent, just as even with the ferocious speed our planet orbits the sun (66,000mph) and spins on its axis (1,000mph), it feels perfectly still and stable.We can’t actually hear sound at all – it doesn’t exist – at least not in the way we think it does. What we hear or receive, and then transform into an audio signal, is the echo of sound as it feeds back to itself. When yogis and assorted others, participants in THE BIG OM, for instance, chant the OM, it’s in the silence afterwards they listen for the echo of the actual sound subtending the universe, the ‘voice of God’.I instinctively knew this when I heard it. Children do. It left me with an imprint for my life-mission: to remind us all we each have this same connection via sound to the source of all being.Connecting back to source, we are healed, as in we attain to a state of harmonious acceptance of self and universe around, in which state of surrender all systems tend naturally to right themselves to instil a new homeostasis, not just within on the mental, emotion and physical levels, but externally also, in our financial, professional, social and personal health too.Fusion, frequencies & flowBeing in any case a musician and producer (manipulator of electronic signals), having grown up in a musical family, my father a master percussionist, my cousin, saxophonist and composer Stan Getz, among others, I naturally tended towards a fusion of sonic healing with actual music, and in more recent years also with spoken, chanted or sung narrative to help induce altered states. Over the years, in various guises, but especially working as house doc at Whirl-y-Gig in the late 80s, early 90s, where the deep ambient music I’d made for Polygram, I developed what I later called ‘conscious clubbing’, allowing for a naturally (non-substance) induced psychedelic experience in the party environment, as I suspect in the celebratory atmosphere of the dance, we’re closer to source than at any other time. I’ve been experimenting ever since with various frequencies to induce different energetic flows in the body and combined this with my experience of energy flow correction through my years as a doctor of acupuncture and teacher of energy-based martial arts, along with my natural musical feel and soul to produce various sorts of musical vehicles through which to transmit it to you for your healing.Creating the sonic healing cycle It took the best part of two years mostly constantly in the studio with Alan Zipper as engineer, to create a near three hour cycle of sonic healing music, that takes you from utter stillness, through gentle energizing, all the way to full-blown rousing motivation and re-energization, as if you’d just had a three hour healing session with me to sort you out from head to toe, in to out, and every other which way possible. You’ll feel a palpable benign alteration in energy flow and frequency, improved mood and outlook, enhanced vitality and a reinforcement of your spirit and courage to tackle the various challenges life throws in your path. And the way the cycle has been ‘architectured’, the sonic effects work just as well, if not even better when the listening volume is turned almost to silent, thus forming a discreet sonic carpet at the base of the consciousness – this works with headphones best but also with a relatively well-rounded external sound delivery system (something with a bit of bottom end).How this medicine music worksThe music itself is merely the frame for the sonic healing and is just there to both give shape to the experience, to provide context for the various tempos, each of which plays a different role, and to offer entertainment while taking the healing, should you require it and find the style to your taste. But whether you do or don’t, the healing effect will occur regardless. The cycle begins at with what I term PURE AMBIENT – open, easy meditative soundscapes to entrain the mind into a fully relaxed state. It moves onto DEEP AMBIENT, a slow-tempo series of movements to induce integration of all aspects: soul, spirit, mind, body, external world and so on. And finally into SPEED AMBIENT a rising tempo series of movements to invigorate, motivate and leave you in a triumphant state. The optimal way to take this sonic healing is to let the program run through the full cycle at least three times over a period over say a fortnight, and to repeat every three months or so. The effects are profoundly transformative, as you’ll soon feel.Product Page:
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