Steve Holman – Old School New Body
[6 eBooks – PDF]
Description You Can Slow The Aging Process To A Crawl, Quickly Sculpt The Body You’ve Always Wanted, Plus Make It Look As If You’re Aging ‘Backwards’…And Do It All In Just 90 Minutes A WeekFACT: Our bodies all age, one day at a time. HOWEVER: You can SLOW the aging process down and totally reshape your body… to the point to where you look a decade younger than you are right now in less than 90 days. This does not involve special creams, or some kind of ‘miracle’…FACT: Most people understand that both men and women MUST exercise in order to turn back the clock. But did you know that both men and women should essentially work out the same? Sure, men will use more weight, but the fear of women “getting bulky” is a MYTH… and read on. We’ll prove it to you with pictures!FACT: You have been lied to if you think you have to lift massive weights hours a day to look like a total stud, or that women need to lift differently than men. We BOTH need LESS TIME in the gym, and we BOTH need the same basic protocol. Only the resistance will change.FACT: You cannot find this youth-enhancing System anywhere else. Becky and I have sole ownership of it, and it’s only found right here, on this VERY PAGE… so keep reading… >>In this product: Product ebook and 5 bonus ebooks. I don’t have the bonus audio interviews.
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