Steve Sokol’s Super Abs (Beg&Adv)
Steve Sokol’s Super Abs (Begginer&Advanded)
[2 DVDs – RIP/AVI]
Steve Sokol’s Super AbsDescription:Learn abs from the guy who has performed more abdominal exercise than anyone according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Learn the myths and truths of ab training. Two titles to choose from. Available only on DVD. **Super Abs BeginnerLearn the muscles and their functions, how to lose body fat, gain muscle mass and how to perform exercises properly and efficiently. Includes basic workout. Approx. 45 min.Super Abs AdvancedIncludes advanced exercises using a variety of apparatus. Follow in a brief but killer abdominal routine that is certain to make your midsection stronger in the shortest amount of time. Approx. 45 min.;jsessionid=ajjsrqt7qgcj?productId=82951l
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