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Steven Sashen – The Instant Advanced Meditation Course –

[11 MP3’s]


“How would your life change if you could instantly find deep inner peace… without spending hours on a meditation cushion?””Discover a completely New Approach to Meditation that may be the fastest and easiest way to relax, expand your awareness, and experience deep inner peace”– Gay Hendricks, PhDFits in with your busy life instead of taking time from it. Works for beginning and long-time meditators. I was a meditation failure.Not for lack of trying. I started meditating when I was 8, and by the time I was 38, I had spent a LOT of time doing various forms of meditation practice.I often spent 2 hours a day “sitting.”I did over 25 intensives where I meditated for 12-14 hours a day for 10-12 days.And, I had some really interesting experiences, too.But my mind was far from still, I struggled with finding the time to practice, I was never sure if I was doing “the right” practice, the results I got were intermittent (sometimes, I’d have weeks where I just couldn’t get into the groove), and I certainly wasn’t “enlightened.” And, my meditation practice was still something separate from my life. I had to “leave” — even if it was just to a corner of my room — and then hope that whatever happened during my meditation would have some sort of carry over effect into the rest of my day. Which it did sometimes, but not not as often as I would have liked. I used to say that I was able see the world through meditation glasses, but I never saw with meditation eyes. I have a cartoon that sums up my experience. I think it was from the New Yorker about 20 years ago. It has two guys talking to each other and one says, “I know I don’t have a job, and can’t keep a relationship, and live with my parents… but you should see what I’d be like if I didn’t meditate!” And, when I talked to my teachers, many of whom had been practicing for 10-20 years more than me, they said the same thing.I had to give up meditating when I realized this One day, while trying to convince myself to go sit on my meditation cushion for 45 minutes, I was stopped dead in my tracks with this realization.My entire meditation practice was motivated by a desire to improve myself, by the thought that once meditation fixed me in some way… THEN I would be happy. I realized that I was trying to “accept things as they are”, so that I would become different. I laughed at the irony of that, but it was also incredibly painful to see how much time, effort and money I had spent on the idea that there was something wrong with me, that meditation would fix it, and then then, finally, I could rest.So I stopped meditation. I went cold tofu (I don’t eat turkey) There’s an episode of the TV show Seinfeld, where George realizes that everything he ever did to get what he wanted, gave him the opposite of what he wanted. So, instead, he started doing the exact opposite of what he would normaly do… and he started getting exactly what he wanted in the first place! I noticed something similar.Instead of doing some long-term, time-consuming, intensive practice where I tried to stop my thinking, or accept things as they were, or anything I had ever been taught, I started doing the opposite.So, instead of having a formal meditation practice where I tried to do something to my thinking, I simply started looking carefully at this thing — my mind and the process of perception — that I thought was a problem that needed to be fixed. I just wanted to see how it worked.I’d take a look at what my mind was doing while I was waiting for a tire to get changed, or after having a strong emotional reaction, or during TV commercials, and, my favorite, while hanging out in the hot tub outside my house in Colorado.But enough about me… Now, typically, in a story like this, you would hear me say something about the amazing experience I had, or how I was recognized as the lineage holder from a hidden Tibetan monestary that only eats Twinkies on Thursdays… or something else that’s supposed to make me sound special, or make it seem like I have something that you want.But it’s not going to happen.My experience has nothing to do with you. I have NO interest in being on any sort of pedestal.The only thing that matters is this:If you have a meditation practice you want to take to the next level…If you have tried meditation, but you haven’t gotten the benefits you really hoped for…Or if you’ve never meditated and want to experience profound states of relaxation, peace-of-mind, clarity, insight and ‘oneness’…You may be surprised at how simple it can beLet me skip ahead 6 years from when I gave up meditation.One evening, my friend Heather and I were having a big philosophical conversation. And after a while, she said, “Can we just take a break and do something non-conceptual?””Sure,” I said. “Try this.”And I described to her one of the things I noticed about the process of my thinking. I basically told her one of my favorite things I do when I’m sitting in the hot tub Five minutes later, she opened her eyes, which were radiant, and said, “I’ve been a Buddhist for years… and it was just a hope of mine that, before I died, I would experience something like what just happened.”I was shocked. I mean, I knew what these practices I had developed did for me, but it hadn’t occurred to me that they might do the same thing for someone else.”Do you have any other things like that?” Heather asked.Well, yes, actually. I had about 8 or 9 particular “practices” that I had developed over the years.”Have you written them down?”No.”Taught them?”No.”You need to write these down and you need to teach these.”And so I did.Now let me cut to the chase…What I just described turned into what I now callThe Instant Advanced Meditation Course I know that name can sound “hype-y”, but I didn’t know what else to call it, simply because of what people reported when I started teaching them these practices I call it Advanced because when even novice meditators do these simple practices, the effects they describe are the kinds of things you think are only had by “advanced” meditators. In fact, the first class I taught joked that these practices are so advanced, that even advanced meditators can do them. I call it Instant because once you know how to do these practices, you can “find” that peace, that clarity, that insight, that “oneness” in just minutes… in the middle of your daily life… any time… any where. People were telling me that, for the first time, they could meditate no matter where they were. And, then it was a surprise to me when I realized that the acronym for this title is The I AM Course.There’s something “just right” about that name, that’s hard to put into words, but when people do these pracices, they think so, too.But, again, don’t listen to me! What I say about the I AM Course, and what makes it special is not important.The only important thing is, what could the I AM Course do for you? In advertising, they say you’re supposed to promise that you can solve someone’s problems and give the customer what they want. As if I could say, “become enlightened or your money back!” But honestly, I don’t know what I AM can do for you.And neither can you until you try it (more about that in a moment). What I do know is that I’ve received hundreds of emails from people who’ve experienced the I AM Course and… well, let me simply share a SMALL sample what they’ve said:This practice really rocked my world. We are often told that only great wise spiritual teachers can become enlightened it seems so far off sometimes. So this kind of made me start thinking meditation isnt to become enlightened but to realise we are enlightened. I have never done meditation before but this has got my attention! Thank you, Steven.– GregWhen I was 16 years old I had a spontaneous and unconsciously attained ecstatic revelation that jolted me out of my boxed up Catholic/Christian awareness. Ever since then (27 years or so) I have been trying through various meditation techniques and energy work to re experience that profound state of Holy bliss and Oneness with God. This lesson has helped me to get as close as I have ever been since that brief wonderful moment. Thank you so very much for making your teachings available. I can’t wait to get to the next lessons!! I’m so happy!! Peace be with you today and always! –Kristen WackEase. So enjoyable to just rest in “what is”– Edward Kemper Thanks for being out there for people like me who has tried many, many, times to meditate for many, many years to no avail. By listening, and following your guidence on the tape, I have to honestly say has given me the motivation to sincerely make it a habitual practice to meditate. I actually enjoyed the experience! Your wisdom just totally blew me away. Suddenly, I was able to accept my feelings in a very positive and unique way, thanks to you! That made me see my whole reason for being in an amazing new light. You’ve truly been a blessing to me, and I’m sure to many others as well. Thank you for being who you are. In peace & love, — Lori Lavine I just rested in God. I rested deeply and that felt good. No questions. Nothing to fix. Like sleep but not. Deep rest.– Sharon Tamm I have tried for so many years to love myself and there was always a voice inside me that said I was not good enough or smart enough and I had to be perfect to love myself. With your meditation it took 5 min. and I know I love myself just as I am with all my failiures.– AgnetaI found it simple and effective. I had a headache, I placed my attention there and knew God! God was/is a headache until my full awareness is placed there and then it vanished and transformed into something lighter and easier. Spaciousness. Thanks.– Sally Bowen AMEN, there is no seperation. A seamless continum of being and experiencng and perceiving, limitless and all pervasive, from realization comes creation hat everything is connected and we are all that is. Experience and experience. Great exercise. –John Shrader I tried it during yoga and it was the first time in my yoga practice that I felt connected and understood the spiritual aspect of it. From time to time I would be in a pose that hurt or was wondering if my posture was correct, etc… mind was going…. and I would do I AM and then I would somehow sink much deeper into the pose and felt like I was meditating at that moment. — Nancy Hart Thank you. I experienced that everything that exists is…it just is…real. I am part of all that exists and separate from it too. — BevI experienced an easing in myself. A lessening of blaming. Appreciative of everything that is.– Doug Wilson Originally the container was my heart, then it became my entire body and I began to experience ripples of energy moving through me from top to bottom… waves and waves of this energy – the message I got was ‘give it up’ (control) ‘give in’ ‘this (death) is all part of the flow, the breath (of creation) in and out’. It all came with many tears … I am feeling very alive… all parts of me. Thank you so much.– Naida It brought back to me something that I have known for quite some time – that God is present in everything and everyone – but I experienced that in a more profound way.– Larry TaylorHi Steven! I enjoyed the meditations. First I felt it was easier to accept life and the people and events life contains. I don’t know why but for some reason it made a difference. Second It made me aware that there’s really not a matter of trying to accept anything, because I am accepting life as it unfolds. Not because I want or not want to accept. Happenings happens, even if I try to resist, it still happens so I can’t see/perceive in any other way then that we are all, always accepting. Even if we at times pretend as if we don’t accept. So it is just harder now after these meditations to pretend that I’m not accepting. Thanks!– TimothyI realized that I am the receiver and the generator of all things, I have all the answers and somehow I got the feeling and thought that I WAS EVERYTHING. I also had many many different visuals that all meant something to me. Great feelings!!! I’ve not meditated before and immensely enjoyed all of these today! And oh, by the way, you have a great voice!!!– Robin When I followed your instructions about where to place my attention, I felt like a fish who was noticing the water I’ve been swimming in for the very first time.– Karen AlongeI have meditated for years also and am grateful for it but I have now think I have discovered what Meister Eckhart meant by God Is. Isness of this moment. I can not say thank you enough for this great gift. I am in awe of how this has always been with me but I have not been in touch with myself. As above,so below. Words can not express my gratitude. Words also can not express what I am experiencing.– Mary Robbins Wow! I felt an absence of fear replaced by calmness and an expansion of a being that wasn’t ( isn’t?) the ‘I’. During the 2nd practice there was a sensation of lightness in which the head and torso began to naturally straighten, which are normally difficult and uncomfortable tasks. Even as this is being written, there is a sense of connection which is hard to describe but certainly pleasant. Thanks !– Hardeep Grewal This was also interesting. I experienced the collapse of the illusion of the universe and oneness with God. I have already experienced it before, but in a native ritual induced with magic mushroom. Regards.– Rune KringstadI felt vast and ever-expanding. Outside my body, my energy was expanding, and inside it also expanded as if there was a universe inside my skin and the outside of me was looking into the inside of me. When the bell rang I was pulled back as tho I was astral travelling or perhaps levitating. I have experienced the former, but not levitation…yet! — SusanTo attempt to put this experience into words feels like a nearly impossible task …Still it seems it is human nature to try.  A widow in my 50’s usually feeling as if I must shoulder the responsibility of the world around me… a song came into my mind or rather a few words from a song… And it came to me that God is a sweet old melody???  No, God is everything! … And then God felt like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day.  Enjoy Life! –Lizzie G click here to get the I AM Course I don’t know about you, but when I had an intense meditation practice, I could spend weeks (or, sometimes, YEARS!) waiting for something like what these people reported (of course, since I was hanging out with Buddhists, I wouldn’t use the “G-word”, but I know what they mean). But these are reports from people who did I AM for just minutes.And many of them had never meditated before. I can’t tell you how heart-opening it is that I receive emails like this every day. Especially since I had no plans to teach I AM to anyone… it was just a private practice of mine. Explore at your own pace Well, In total, there are 10 different I AM practices that you can learn.Here’s the list of them:Begining Thinking — What if no thought could ever be a problem? Experience life before thought arises. Chaos Creation — Sink down/back/in until before you were, well, “you.” This is a deeply physically relaxing practice.  Dissolving the Body — It’s not what you think it is… or maybe it’s only what you think it is.Zooming in on Death — “Die” in this moment and experience what you’ve always truly wantedWhere Is I? — A new approach to understanding the “I-thought” and what’s beyond it.  Zooming in on Peace — Pervasive peace, space, and openness… they’re always present when you know where to look  Release and Receive — Let go of “form” and discover what shows up in its place (it was always there)  Repairing the Universe — Get off the “pendulum swing” between all oppositesAll It Is — Is “oneness” just a concept? It can be a direct experiencePerceiving Receiving — When we perceive that which receives all awareness, we can become much more than we think. Ultimately, they all “point to the same place.” But people learn/experience things in different ways. Some practices start more with the body. Others are more “in the mind.” You’ll probably find that 4-5 of the practices really resonate with you. But you’ll also probably find that if you come back and re-try a practice that “didn’t do much” the first time… it may be your favorite the second time.When I introduce I AM practices, I tend to say, “Oh, and this next one is my favorite…” THEY ALL ARE! Each I AM Practice takes between 15-40 minutes to learn… and then you can do them in just minutes (or seconds) after that.So, if you want to explore one practice each month, it’s only a few minutes of listening each month, and you have a 10-month meditation course.


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