StyleLife – Most Interesting Guy In The Room (The Sneak – Routine Generation)
StyleLife – Most Interesting Guy In The Room (The Sneak) [7DVDs – VOB]
[1 DVD – VOB]
The most interesting guy in the room package consists of 7 DVDs.~ Here is the first :1.The Sneak – Routine Generation 1. “Generate Your Own Effective DHV Routines”: After the opener runs its course what do you say next? What are the smooth routines and stories you need to tell a woman to pump up a her attraction levels? In this video tutorial the stylelife coaches give you the tools to constantly create new DHV stories and routines so you’ll never run out of material for generating female attraction. The most interesting guy in the room package consists of 7 DVDs. They are as follows: 1.The Sneak – Routine Generation 2.Be the Alpha Male 3.Neil Strauss – Principles of Attraction 4.Evolve – Astrology and the Esoteric Arts 5.Neil Strauss – Emotional Connections and Calls to Action 6.The ways of the Wingman 7.The Strategies of Steve.P and Zan ENJOY GENTZ & Keep it cool, anyway!
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