Subliminal Shop – End Self Sabotage 3G
End Self Sabotage 3G
[1 CD – 2 MP3s]
Description I now focus the unlimited power of my subconscious mind upon absolutely ending self sabotage right now. I now and forever absolutely and completely stop sabotaging myself. I now fully and completely accept that I deserve to succeed. I now genuinely and completely want to succeed. I now fully and genuinely allow myself to succeed. I now fully and genuinely accept that I am absolutely worthy of success. I now fully and genuinely choose to succeed. I now absolutely know that I can succeed. I now absolutely have more than enough courage to succeed. I now absolutely have the courage to make myself truly happy. I now fully and completely deserve to be truly happy. I now fully and absolutely give myself permission to succeed. I now fully and absolutely give myself permission to be truly happy. I absolutely choose to be truly happy. I do what it takes to be truly happy. I do what it takes to succeed. I have now completely overcome self sabotage. I now completely disconnect from, let go of, release and reject any and all fears that lead to self sabotage. I now allow myself to succeed and be truly happy. I now actively and intentionally make myself completely successful. I now actively and intentionally make myself truly happy. I have now fully and completely stopped any and all self sabotage.
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