Subliminal Shop – Subliminal Aphrodisiac bonuses (Hypersleep, Attract Your Perfect Naturally Redheaded Romantic Lover, Remove Negativity Within)
[ 7 MP3s, 1 DOC]
**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome! Brought to you by the Subliminal Audio Aphrodisiac GroupbuyGB status: closedGB thread: pages:…… descriptions:Remove the negativity withinQuote:Great With: Happiness & Joy, Ultra SuccessDo Not Use With: Alpha Male 5.0, Alpha Male 5.0 for Gay Men, Alpha Female Training 2011, Sex Magnet 2.0It is easy to become filled with negativity these days. It’s all around us, in words, deeds, thoughts and emotions. Most people are so full of it that they sink themselves success-wise without ever realizing it. This program is designed to get your subconscious mind to purge you of any internal negativity, and reject it in the future. You’ll be amazed at the results. They’re not what you might think!This is the 4th Generation version of this program, which is re-designed to go beyond it’s predecessor, Disconnect From Negativity Within. Now it instructs your subconscious mind to disconnect from and destroy negativity within you, and replace it with stronger positives wherever the negativity was: thinking, attitude, ideas, beliefs, responses, etc.“Remove the negativity within and gratitude are literally transforming my life. What was a crippling fear two months ago that I couldn’t have even imagined has now become a possibility.”Jimbobday“It’s only been about 2 days. I’m really liking the direction of this sub. I feel like it’s really getting to the heart of the issue I’ve been wrestling with for a while now.”Matt422 Your Perfect Naturally Redheaded Romantic LoverQuote:Product DescriptionI originally created as the culmination of more than 16 years of study and research into the laws of the universe and how we interact with them. It was the response to the success I achieved with my experiment which used the “Attract Your Perfect Lover” subliminal to prove my theories. That experiment showed me that I wanted more than just a lover – so I created this program.This program works by basically programing the subconscious mind to use the Law of Attraction to bring your perfect romantic lover into your life and start a physical and romantic relationship with them as well.In the majority of cases, the program not only works, but produces absolutely incredible results. So amazing that you would not believe it if we tried to explain. Suffice it to say that when we say “perfect” in the title of this program, WE AREN’T KIDDING! Many other people who have tried the program have also achieved similar results. There are some situations in which it may take an inordinate amount of time to work, and there are situations in which it may not work. Usually, this deals with either internal resistance (you just can’t believe it could work) or a situation in which your perfect lover is dealing with a situation from which they cannot easily disengage at that time. It doesn’t produce the intended results 100% of the time – not always is it possible – but it works for most people.This program is designed to bring about the intended results without requiring any effort on your part. The more effort you put into it, however, the faster and more easily you will get results in most cases – but the program is designed to work without any efforts from you.Our tests, experiments and customers all agree that the program requires between 3 and 6 months of use in most cases, but most times, the results show up in about 4 months. In rare cases, it has required as long as 8 months of usage.This program is identical to the “Attract Your Perfect Romantic Lover” with the exception that it is designed to attract Redheaded people. It will work for both men and women to attract their perfect naturally redheaded romantic lover.HypersleepQuote:Product DescriptionHyperSleep isn”t designed to help you fall asleep. Instead, it”s designed to guide your brainwave patterns through a high-speed version of a full night”s sleep. Your brain will cycle up and down through the same frequencies it does during sleep, but instead of spending 90 minutes per cycle, the HyperSleep program makes each cycle last 10 to 15 minutes. The result is a combination of guided and extremely efficient brain recharging that replicates the effects of 4 to 8 hours worth of sleep.This program is two hours long, and approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes of this will be effectively used for the HyperSleep. The other 20 minutes is used for putting you to sleep and waking you up again at the end.This program is extremely powerful and uses brainwave synchronization technology that is not based on the more common binaural beats. The brainwave synchronization methods found in this program are much more efficient and powerful. Because this program uses rhythmic pulses of sound, it should not be used by anyone with epilepsy unless they have consulted their physician about using it first.This program is wonderful for anyone who needs to get sleep but doesn’t have the time. This program is also great for killing jetlag, getting enough brain rest before exams, and doing stupid things like working 20 hour days.This program is not intended to replace normal sleep more often than once per week. More frequent use, and extended use, is not suggested.
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