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Subliminal Shop – The X32 Subliminal Aphrodisiac (5G – ERoS)

[3 MP3s]



Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome! [/color] Brought to you by the Subliminal Audio Aphrodisiac GroupbuyGB status: ClosedGB thread: page:…Product Description“I pressed play, and within minutes, she was all over me, aggressively going for sex.”That’s an actual quote from one of the testers.  I’ve heard that more than once from the testers.  I have also seen it happen, first hand. Yes, it’s true, pushbutton sexual arousal has finally arrived.  Allow me to introduce you to the amazing program that does it: X32.But you’re probably skeptical.  You might be thinking, “No way!”  So let’s cut to the chase.  Is everyone going to respond that way?  Of course not. But matched to the right personality, and under reasonable circumstances, many people do respond very rapidly, directly and even aggressively with sexual arousal and the desire to have sex that makes them much more ready, willing and able to initiate it — or at least make it easy for you to.  The results are nothing short of amazing.So what is X32?  In plain English, it’s a very special blend of exotic sounds that triggers your deep brain to respond with very rapid, very powerful sexual arousal, and then tells your higher brain to act on it — now!  The result, for the right personality type and under the right circumstances, is super fast arousal and very often, passionate, enthusiastic, throw-yourself-into-it sex.If you’re curious about what is going on under the hood, I’ll tell you.  X32 is the result of research and development started in 2006.  It uses the latest 5th Generation subliminal build technology in both masked and ultrasonic subliminal formats, is based on the Optimus Engine, and uses HyperSpeed Technology, Self Optimizing scripting technology and the new MaxSpeed Technology.  Because it uses MaxSpeed technology, it is classified as a member of the ERoS (Extremely Rapid Onset Seduction) line of subliminal audio aphrodisiac programs. The result is a subliminal aphrodisiac which produces extremely rapid, very strong sexual arousal in many (but not all) listeners, and is intended to encourage the listener to act on their arousal by quickly engaging in physical sex.X32 is known to generate sexual arousal in both male and female listeners, but is designed to generate sexual arousal primarily in females and get them to respond to males.  In specific, it will focus her arousal and attention on the male closest to the source of the audio. When used by a male around other males without the intent of arousing them specifically, the typical response is that other males will want to talk to and tend to look up to the person indicated by the program. X32 is of uncertain value for use by or on lesbians, and is not recommended for use by or on gay men.The X32 program is known to affect listeners of all ages of legal sexual consent, from 18 to 60+, and does not appear to be age dependent for its effects.  The determining factor to whether or not it will affect a particular person seems to be based on three factors:1. Personality and thinking style.  Very intellectual, cerebral types tend to be less affected than others because they are less “of their body” and more “in their head”.  That’s not to say they cannot be, or are not affected.  It just takes longer, and is less certain.2. Their willingness to be influenced in general: very strong willed, self controlled and/or control seeking people may not be influenced well by this program.3. It may not affect persons who strongly prefer romantic or emotionally intimate sex to erotic sex. (X24 or X25 is a much better option for them.)Typically, X32 requires between 3 and 20 minutes to begin creating noticeable sexual arousal and sexual arousal responses, which may be experienced differently by each gender.  In males, it can produce sensations of arousal in the chest or loins.  In females, it may produce tingling of the breasts, areolas and/or nipples, as well as swelling, wetness of, throbbing of and/or tingling of the sex organs.  Given sufficient privacy, familiarity, safety, comfort and an appropriate relationship between the two persons using the aphrodisiac, sex usually results in between 5 and 60 minutes in most cases.  For example:“Within seven minutes, it made me noticeably wet, and my nipples and clit areas were tingling.  It was the same kind of tingling I get whenever I am REALLY turned on. Within 15 minutes of the start of playing it, we were having sex.” – One of my testers.


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