Susanne Cook-Greuter – The Increasing Complexity of the Individual Ego – Susanne Cook-Greuter – The Increasing Complexity of the Individual Ego
[7 FLVs]
This is premium content ripped from the website, the for-profit extension of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute. I found this applicable to self-help and pickup in the sense that it can help orient oneself to the maturation and evolutionary aspects within, leading to further coherence and integrity.I included the latest install of VLC player (downloaded 1/24/09 @ about 12:01am) to make it easy to play the .flv files.There wasn’t much of a description on the website but here is her bio.Susanne Cook-Greuter is internationally known as the leading expert in mature ego development and self-actualization. She does ongoing research and development on the Sentence Completion Test. She leads trainings in the Leadership Development framework and introductions and certification training for SCT-scorers. She collaborates with other consultant in bringing the developmental perspective into corporations and executive teams.Her clients appreciate her for her dedication, creativity and joyful, subtle inquiry as well as for her profound knowledge of the adult development field.Enjoy.
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