Tad James – NLP Master Practitioner
Tad James – NLP Master Practitioner – Manual.pdf
The class after Practitioner, but before TrainerNLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, is the art and science that can be described in a nutshell, as an “attitude and a methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques.”” First, the attitude of NLP is one of curiosity and experimentation. Next, the methodology is modeling, which is the process of duplicating excellent behavior. Another person’s behavior can be duplicated by studying what that person does inside their head (language, filters, programs, etc.) to produce results. NLP was initially created in 1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who began modeling and duplicating the “magical results” of a few top communicators and therapists. Some of the first people to be studied included Hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, gestalt therapist Fritz Perls and family therapist Virginia Satir. Since then, many others have contributed to the growth and development of the field. And finally, the trail of techniques created through this type of modeling is what is commonly known as NLP. The programs in this catalog describe the many different techniques we teach and use.Today, NLP is widely used in business to improve management, sales and achievement/performance, inter-personal skills; in education to better understand learning styles, develop rapport with students and parents and to aid in motivation; and of course, NLP is a profound set of tools for personal development.
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