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The Ayurveda Experience Sexual-Wellness

Sexual Wellness
[10 MP4s, eBooks – 1 PDF]



Discover the 3rd Non-Negotiable to Health to Fortify Your Intimate Well-being, Enhance Your Relationships and Galvanize Your Sleepy Endocrine System!Leverage sexual wellness to improve skin, gut and endocrine health Learn how to love your body and that of your partner in all their supposed “flaws”Find a natural way to tackle your hormonal and fertility issues, including Polycystic Ovaries, naturally Unpack the unique Ayurvedic perspective on aphrodisiacs as energy-boosters ‘Get’ Ayurveda’s right conditions for healthy sexual expression Balance the masculine and feminine energies in your body Restore the fiery, juicy energy in your “dry” relationship Discover the right sexual and physical hygiene that respects your inner ecologyLearn techniques to have longer, more blissful orgasms with your partner and help him or her achieve the sameRegain vitality holistically without synthetic hormones or harmful drugs (like Viagra) Boost your stress-response and improve immunityModule 1: Female Reproductive AnatomyModule 2: Female Reproductive Physiology Module 3: Male Reproductive SystemModule 4: Male Reproductive PhysiologyModule 5: The Sexual ActModule 6: Ayurveda and SexualityModule 7: AphrodisiacsModule 8: Polycystic Ovarian DiseaseModule 9: Erectile Dysfunction


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