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The Gottman Institute – Level 2 Clinical Training

2016 Gottman
[26 DVDs – ISO, 2 DJVU, 2 DOCX, 6 ePub, 2 MOBI, 1 M4A, 255 MP3, 27 MP4, 208 PDF, 1 RA]

Description Exclusive as a result of GB… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! PERMANENTLY!DescriptionExpand the strategies and interventions in your work with couples!Immerse yourself in the Gottman Methods & gain confidence using the techniques in your clinical work.The Level 2 Home Study set features a 500+ page clinician’s manual and 13 DVDs.  A filming of Drs. John and Julie Gottman presenting the 4-day Level 2 workshop, the DVDs work in tandem with the manual. They feature the full lectures, plus helpful role-plays and videos demonstrating Gottman Method Therapy.  By deepening your understanding of the Gottman Method, the informative and engaging Level 2 set helps you more fully integrate assessment and interventions into your work.During this home study you will have the opportunity to practice and integrate Drs. John and Julie Gottman’s Assessment and Intervention Methods. The goal of this training is to immerse you in the Gottman Methods to help you gain confidence in using the techniques in your own clinical work.Refine your clinical skills:• Learn to internalize and integrate the powerful, research-based Gottman Method Assessment and Intervention techniques. Gain insight as to when to use these methods and when couples therapy is contraindicated• Become skilled in using our Level 2 Clinical Manual, that now includes revised Gottman Core Assessments, Gottman Supplemental Assessments and 50+ Gottman InterventionsThis workshop covers:• Basics of Observation• Assessment – Sessions 1, 2, 3• Core Assessment Questionnaires• Supplemental Assessment Questionnaires• Intervention – Philosophy and Goals• Interventions – Managing Conflict• Interventions – Strengthening Friendship and Romance• Interventions – Minimizing Relapse• Co-Morbidities – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Affairs, Domestic Violence (DV), DepressionGroup Treatment of Situational Domestic Violence for Lower-Income Couples – John Gottman, PhD and Julie Gottman, PhD (1 DVD) What is the Essence of the Crisis for the Couple? What are the Challenges for the Therapist? – Ellyn Bader, Helen Fisher, John Gottman, and Esther Perel (1 DVD) Sessions – Demonstration (5-DVD Set) Sessions – Live (5-DVD Set) 2015 Summit – Day 1 ONLY (FYI – Paul Ekman’s part begins @ the 2:33:00 mark) the Couples’ Treatment of Infidelity: A Gottman Method Therapy – John Gottman, PhD and Julie Gottman, PhD (1 DVD) Outreach Papers


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