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The Mayan Calendar Comes North

[XviD] [Read The Future] [2CD] [2004]


Also a verified “Magic / Illusion Tricks” categoryLay back and let the man, Ian Xel Lungold, take you into the world and livings including a way to read an already written future that has proven to be correct for thousands of years. Yes, this calendars is one of the tools astrologists that prints your future in the papers and charge you an insane amount of money to hear about use from time to another.You’ll BECOME what MILLIONS of women PAY GOOD MONEY to hear and read about.Once you’re into it, you’ll usually be right about most of your future tellings, and by time learn to read a persons bodylanguage and emotionallevel so clear that you’ll be able to know some of her future in the mere field of energy. =] This will strengten your sayings as a whole.So check into the Mayan Calendar, that we would have still had used if it had’nt been for the spanish catholic church, who murdered millions of people that did not  agree on this NEW calendar that they felt like making and forced people to use. That new calender is the gregorian calendar that we still use today are based on the 365 days rule, but that’s not the case with the Mayan Calender that teaches you to be “in the zone” at all times of your life, and strongly increases your growth on an  emotional level.CRUICAL for a strong “Inner Game” awareness for both boys and girls!If you have seen David DeAngelo’s Deep Inner Game with Dr Paul, you’ll see a strong simliarity to the so called “Target” that Dr Paul draws up of the left and right brain and The Zone of the teachings of the Mayan Calendar as well.More information at


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