The Secret – Commentary
The Secret – Commentary.mp3
[DVD Rip – MP3]
This is the commentary from DVD for this movie: (NOTE: the real movie starts 21:56 INTO that rip)Ripped commentary from DVD. Additional insight from the movie. Talks how they came to put it, talks about the teachers in The Secret and a little more about usage, their experience. If you liked the movie and don’t have the dvd version, you’ll love this one too!After downloading, open this with some audio player, say, winamp. Then open the movie and scroll to 21:56 of the file Track 1, because that’s where it really starts. (Bluish screen with text “Prime time productions”). Mute the player. (You might have to check the settings to turn off the audio as in Windows muting one program usually mutes others too. You’ll find some clues as you explore the menu line ). And hit play for both the movie and the audio. Second here or there doesn’t really matter, just get it about right.Enjoy!
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