The Warrior Within Radio Show – Ori Hofmekler – MP3
The Warrior Within Radio Show with Ori Hofmekler
This is the Radio Show that the author of “The Warrior Diet” had from 2008 to 2009. I downloaded each one and Titled them and they are complete and in order and full of wisdom.The website of the author and host is Here is the introduction details for episode 1 of his show so you get an idea of what he is going to be talking about. The Warrior Within debuts its first season with a secret that host, Ori Hofmekler can’t keep any longer!!! Tune in as Ori and guests reveal the three most hidden yet formidable obstacles to weight loss that, unknowingly to many, have been prohibiting people from ever losing weight – even if they have been dieting and exercising. The show will expose common diet fallacies and misconceptions associated with mainstream nutrition – to presenting astonishing evidence as to how true facts about human nutrition have been kept virtually hidden from the public. Episode #1 will conclude with Q&A and practical advice – how to remove these hidden diet obstacles to finally regain the ability to lose weight, get leaner, stronger and healthier.There are over 50 episodes he did so grab them now and heed this great wisdom!Enjoy!
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