Thomas Condon- Enneagram – Wings,Secutity ,Stress, and Subtypes Workshop
enneagram -thomas condon
[20 CD RIP MP3]
The Enneagram’s Hidden Resources: Stress, Security Points and Wings and subtypesWays to Use Them to Grow and ChangeEach Enneagram style has built-in relationships to four other styles, called Stress and Security Points and Wings. As you work with the Enneagram, you’ll recognize an intuitive, unconscious link from your core style to these additional styles. These connections reveal natural abilities that you can cultivate and develop as well as potential problem areas to be worked on or avoided.This workshop explores these subtle dimensions of the Enneagram, focusing on how to identify and effectively work with them. It includes panels of people who share their reactions to Tom’s descriptions. Learning about Stress and Security Points and Wings will give you an unusually clear and detailed map of character. Far from presenting static ‘types,’ the workshop will reveal how each Enneagram style is a kind of dynamic, liquid mosaic. This workshop will give you a deeper, more detailed understanding of the Enneagram and how to use it. Many of us have heard the old fable about the consultant who charges ¤1000 to tap and fix a broken machine. ¤1 for the tap of the hammer and ¤999 for knowing where to tap. Understanding the influence and expression of Stress and Security Points and Wings will help you know where to look for resources to bring out the best in yourself and others. Also included the subtype worksop
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