Thomas Hanna ( Editor ) – Explorers of humankind
Explorers of humankind
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!About This BookI cannot imagine how there could be more Power and fascination than that which is packed into this small volume.The power and fascination stem from two sources. The first of these sources, very obviously, is the ten extraordinary men and women who accepted my invitation to write this book. The second source is the simple and profound theme about which they have written: What is the nature of the human being?In the first instance, these ten scientists and healers are exemplary in being responsible for some of this century’s most extraordinary advances in understanding how human beings function and how they function best: how they can best be healed, how they can best maintain their health and how they can expand that health even further into exceptional creativity, efficiency and fulfillment.In the second instance, this book provides us with the great fortune of having some of the leading scientists and healers of the twentieth century share with us their vision of what human nature is.This vision is, in each case, a healing vision. It is a hopeful and optimistic vision, framed within a broad-ranging scientific perspective that allows us to understand how it is that humans function best.In particular, this is a somatic perspective: namely, it is a viewpoint that pays homage to the bodily life of humankind.This is a book about science, it is a book about ourselves as human beings, and it is a book about human healing, human health and human wholeness. In sum, it is a book that presents the healing vision of this century’s most visionary healers.thank you all for making this possible for all of us Joseph Riggio – MythoSelf Professional Training Module 2 : States GB Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU
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