Thomas Stanley – Millionaire Mind
Thomas Stanley – Millionaire Mind [ 2 CDs – MP3s ]
[ 2 CDs – MP3s ]
Link to this Product++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you want to understand how millionaires think and how they achieve wealth, listen to The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley. As a professor and researcher, Stanley has devoted much of his life to studying the habits and behaviors of millionaires. What Jane Goodall is to chimps, Thomas Stanley is to the affluent.The Millionaire Mind gives Stanley’s detailed analysis of the “whys” behind the behavior of millionaires. He explains the decisions millionaires make and how those decisions lead to building wealth.The Millionaire Mind is based upon focus groups and a survey of 733 self-reported millionaires. Using geodemography (Don’t ask me. I haven’t a clue), Stanley selected neighborhoods which were likely to contain a high percentage of millionaires to survey.Stanley reported that the average home value of the 733 surveyed millionaires was $1.4 million, which seemed rather high to represent an “average” home value for millionaires. So, geodemography aside, it seems Stanley selected some rather affluent neighborhoods for his survey. Had he chosen neighborhoods with an average home value closer to $300,000, my guess is that Stanley would have bagged far more business owners and fewer attorneys and doctors among the millionaires found.
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