Tim Larkin – Target Focus Training Edged Weapons
Target Focus Training – Edged Weapons DVD Set
[4 DVDs – MP4]
http://www.targetfocusweapons.comThe Edged Weapons Video PackageAs with the Firearms Package, we follow the same format with this set… two parts: the first principles; the 2nd, coordination sets.On this DVD we cover everything about knives and other types of edged weapons (like box cutters — the ‘weapons’ effectively used in the 9-11 terrorist attacks).One thing you’ll notice: we’ll first make sure you understand HOW to use the weapon we’re demonstrating or talking about.Why? It’s very simple… but critically important.I’ve found that fear of the unknown keeps most people STARING at the weapon… in this case, a knife. That’s FATAL! Every second counts… and having your brain locked on something that, by itself, cannot possibly harm you, means you are reacting to — rather than causing — an outcome. Guaranteed disaster!Plus by focusing on the knife you’re giving it power. That’s wrong. After watching these DVDs it will never happen to you again.Below is a small sampling of what you’ll find on the Edged Weapons DVDs: * The one mistake you must avoid (yet EVERYONE makes) when facing a knife-wielding attacker… and why this mistake will always get you cut — and possibly killed! * The defensive move almost guaranteed to get you badly slashed in a knife attack. (Sadly, unless you know my system, almost everyone tries this first!). * How to ‘slow down’ your opponent’s movements so you can attack without getting injured. * The only 2 ways to hold your knife that work … 100% of the time, in any fight. * Why you must NEVER back up to avoid your attacker’s knife slash … and what you must do instead. * The first move that practically guarantees you’ll destroy someone attacking you with a knife. (It takes guts but only I teach this. Once you learn it, you become unstoppable). * How to avoid losing your knife or have it taken away. * Why ‘slashing’ is not an effective way for you to fight if you have a knife.
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