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Timothy Leary – How To Operate Your Brain

Tim Leary How To Operate Your Brain.mpg
[1 VHS Rip – AVI]



This video will first overload your brain and make it shut up. Next it will help you reducate yourself and get rid of annoying media buildup. If your feeling like a puppet and want to break the lines and be your own person, this is the video to get.”To understand you live in a world of chaos and your reality is just your mind’s interpretation of the universe. we are part of some incomprehensible show because we can’t actually perceive a correct picture of true reality. all we see are metaphors and labels the brain easily organizes and understands.”Don’t buy this? You won’t understand this? Come on! Turn on your screen and watch a dazzle of multi-media organized chaos designed to teach you How to Operate Your Own Brain. Surf the Wave of Chaos. If you don’t get it…… The first instruction manual for your brain. Adjust thinking from ‘i’, ‘me’, to We, Us.A global perspective that is psychedilec, yet scientifically informative. Your interest lies in this field and demands you to take control over the most amazing organ known. You don’t need to watch it over and over to gain its sublte complexities. No altered states of mind are required. No pre-requisite knowledge is important.To you, this will be your most valued purchase! END*********************************************Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1920 – May 31, 1996) was an American writer, psychologist, futurist, and advocate of psychedelic drug research and one of the first people whose remains have been sent into space. An icon of 1960s counterculture, Leary is most famous as a proponent of the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of LSD. He coined and popularized the catch phrase “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”****************************How to Operate Your Brain still has to be by far the best documentary on the brain so far. If you thought you knew a little about neurobiology or any type of neurophysics, I would HIGHly reccomend this video if you want to learn to recontruct what you know about your own brain. Innovative, interesting, disturbing, confusing, intelligent, and least of all hypnotizing. On second thought, dont buy this. You probably wont like it. In fact, you probably wont understand it or get it. You would need to watch it dozens and dozens of times before you even thought about watching it. END****************************HOW TO OPERATE YOUR BRAIN directed by Joey Cavella and Chris Gravesapprox. 29 minutesThis is a video version of a lecture that Timothy Leary used to give near the end of his life. Leary is of course best known as an “acid guru” from the 1960s and as rival of G. Gordon Liddy and President Richard Nixon. However he was also an intelligent man with a serious education in psychology and a lot of ideas about the way things work. This video gives a pretty good overview of his philosophy.The video is a kaleidoscope of colors and flashing images supplied by “Retinalogic”. Despite the hallucinatory visuals this video is not about drug use. In order to understand this video you really need to understand the context in which it was made. Leary is echoing French theorists such as Gilles Deleuze in saying that life has too many rules and that we need to let go of the rules in favor of chaos. What he means by “chaos” is basically what anarchists mean when they use “anarchy” in positive way. There was a lot of this kind of talk in the 1990s due to the popularization of the internet, which was seen as a kind of leaderless utopia for the exchange of knowledge and experience, which was also concurrent to the unprecedented interest in multiculturalism. Lastly, there was also some “pop science” reporting in the mainstream media about “chaos theory” which often showed fractal imagery as shorthand for finding patterns in the universe or “order out of chaos”. This video makes much use of fractals and “global” imagery (i.e.- showing native dancers, then showing cars driving). This is done to “deprogram” the viewer because “he who controls the eyeball, controls the brain”. Or to use another quote from Leary:”In the Sixties we said ‘Power to the People’…. in the Nineties we say ‘Power to the Pupil’.”If the above combination of ideas sounds familiar, its probably because you remember the “rave culture”. Ravers had very lofty ideals about equality and uniting the world, however (like the hippies) their subculture was too dominated by drug use to be taken seriously by the establishment. In this video, Leary himself advocates a form of Humanism akin to the John Lennon song “Imagine”: no countries, no religion, everybody sharing etc. He places his aims in the lineage of Socrates, Marshall McLuhan and Ralph Waldo Emerson. It sounds a little heady, but the cheesy electronic music insures that the rave audience won’t be disappointed with the tape.


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