Toby Alexander – Mastering Connecting to your Higher Self
Mastering Collecting to your Higher Self Webinar by Toby Alexander.wmv
[ 1 WMV ]
DNA Perfection Webinars Available for Download in TPMastering Connecting to your Higher Self WebinarOne of the most important intentions that we receive from students when doing healing sessions is the desire to have a better connection to their Higher self. DNA activation facilitates this. However, if you do not know HOW to connect to your HIgher self to receive answers, and cannot PRACTICE this, then it can be challenging discerning what is your intuition and what is your own mental chatter. So in this webinar, I guide you through this, first explaining exactly WHAT your Higher self is and the details of your multidimensional anatomy and how this corresponds to DNA Activation. THEN, I guide you on how to read energy signatures through the hands and we will all do this together, so you will have the verification that you are doing this correctly. Next, we will build new neural nets in your brain by PRACTICING this together, asking questions to your Higher self and receiving answers. Once you are confortable connecting to your Higher self and confident that you are getting the right answers, we will then discuss the practical applications of this.Practical applications of this are unlimited and some examples include: Connecting to your Higher self to make an important decisionConnecting to the Higher self of others to receive answers about themHealing Facilitation from your Higher self to the client’s Higher selfFinding out from your Higher self if you are an Indigo and what typeFinding out if you are to do a specific career or trainingFinding out if a certain trade decision in the financial markets will be beneficial for you to takeDiscerning the intentions of another person for relationship possibilitiesand many more…The possibilities are unlimited. The thing is, your Higher self is never “wrong” so connecting to your Higher self and having this power to receive answers quickly will help you in every aspect of your life, preparing you to EMBODY your Higher self, which is the purpose of this practice.I look forward to guiding you in the Webinar and this is something you can download and study in more detail on your own.Being able to connect to your Higher self is something that is priceless and many of my students have developed methodologies for financial trading that have been extremely profitable. Having a mentor to guide you through this in 2 hours can make the make a huge difference in the rest of your life!~
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