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Tom Myers – Bodyreading 101 – 3 of 3



This video set is not about reading-a-person-like-a-book or something. It is about the analysis of a person’s body structure – how they stand, sit, or walk – for use by massage therapists, bodyworkers, chiropractors, etc. Tom Myers is an Certified Advanced Rolfer, and Rolfing is by definition the alignment of the body’s structure in relation to gravity.While other bodywork modalities may work in a more localized fashion adjusting this vertebrae or that shoulder, Rolfing, or Structural Integration (SI), deals with the body as a whole with the assumption that all parts are interrelated and that no one aspect of the body moves or exists in space without the whole body being effected. This video is about that interrelatedness.The video set is technical and is intended for people seriously into advanced massage, Rolfing, yoga, pilates, or other forms of bodywork. To date, Myers is the only person to have covered this material in a video format.This is the Third DVD of Three.


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