Ty Bollinger – Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Cancer – Step Outside the Box
[8 PDF, 26 MP3s, 3JPGs]
http://www.cancertruth.info/The ebook is available at: is the audio version of the book as well as the bonuses described on the sales page.CANCER DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A DEATH SENTENCE!!You’re about to discover the most potent alternative cancer treatments that 94% of doctors don’t even know exist… and that Big Pharma keeps ‘hushed up’ to protect their profits…Part I “Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Profits, & the Big 3.”This section of the book explores the intricate and reprehensible politics of cancer, the Cancer Industry, and the horrible failure of the “Big 3” conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemo, radiation).Part II “Biology Basics, Cancer Facts, Non-Toxic Treatments, and Cleansing.” This section explains the biology behind cancer, the causes for cancer (including breast cancer), and details the most potent treatments for advanced cancer (Stage III and Stage IV), and the vitally important and often overlooked topics of colon, liver, & kidney cleansing (detox). Part III “Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, and Exercise.”This section is devoted to the most important topic for a cancer patient – DIET! What to eat, what not to eat, essential supplements, & basic exercise.Part IV “Facts, Fictions, & Frauds.”This section is an exposé on several modern-day myths, including the abominable aspartame cover-up, mercury madness, fluoride fraud, root canal dangers, the truth about soybeans, the venom of vaccinations, and the cold hard truth about Codex Alimentarius.
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