Tyler Durden – 25 things NOT to do
25 things NOT to do.doc
[1 eBook – DOC]
TD goes off about what not to do on one of his posts.TD’s Explanation:25 Point Checklist of things NOT to doTaught a few hundred guys by now just from meeting guys through PAIR and inworkshops recently, and this is the shit that ups their game instantly withno tactics or anything. I see this shit ALL THE TIME. It’s the BIGGEST andmost COMMON problem I see after everyone I’ve met. This is some of the mainshit I focus on fixing when I’m in the field.Almost EVERYONE I met so far screws up this shit, and it totally fucks uptheir sarges.If you do this, don’t feel bad. 99% of guys I meet do it to various extents(myself included).This is the extension of the “10 alpha qualities” post, which was when I wasfirst figuring out what this shit meant. Back then, I was just postingobservations. This post contains conclusions, having now thought about it.ERADICATE this shit, and your game will go up B-I-G-T-I-M-E, more than ANYtactics will help you. This is part of what’s called being a “natural”. Evenwith nothing else, if you know this stuff you’ll do well socially, andprobably get laid. This stuff is the KEY.This stuff is only for people who play the REAL game, not the INTERNETARMCHAIR GAME. So guys who don’t actually PLAY can skip this, becausethere’s not much theory in it – its directly applicable.
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