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Tyler J. Bramlett – 5 Steps To Perfect Running + Bonus

5 steps
[2 Ebooks – PDF, WebRip – 11 MP4s]


Running has long been touted as one of the best fat burning, cardio buildingexercises in the world. From running sprints, to 5k’s, to marathons or even gruelingultra-marathons, running is almost universally the first exercise that comes to mindwhen people want to be healthy and fit.!Running is a foundational movement pattern of the body that was originally used byour species to escape danger or chase prey. So why is it that so may people aregetting aches and pains or even worse, injured when they start a running programfor the first time?!Yes, running is a foundational movement pattern of the human body but I pose thisquestion. “If running is so popular, why is no one teaching you to do it correctly?”!You see, the human body was designed to be taken through a series of progressivesteps that automatically teach you the fundamental skills of human movement. Itstarts with you as a baby learning to stabilize and move your neck. From there itmoves to sagittal, then lateral and then rotational coordination of your coremuscles as you learn to roll over. This eventually leads you to crawling, standing,walking and eventually running.


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