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Udemy- The Freedom to Choose Something Different by Pema Chödrön

[15 MP4, 6 HTML]



Course DescriptionEver feel triggered and stuck in a reactive tailspin despite all your efforts?It is from this place — this hooked feeling — that we find ourselves responding in less than ideal ways. These are the moments when we may speak with venom, act out, or completely shut down when faced with challenging situations.It is only later, when we’ve had the opportunity to calm down and reflect on our actions, that we wonder where we went wrong and how we could have chosen a more grounded response.In The Freedom to Choose Something Different, Pema Chödrön examines and illuminates this nebulous process, clearly identifying where and when you have the opportunity to change your habitual response patterns. . . to choose something different. In this eight-part video course, Pema personally walks you through the landscape of these internal thunderstorms and guides you through the tools to cultivate inner freedom.What does it mean to be “hooked”?Maybe it’s a comment from a friend about your new shirt or the dinner you just cooked. Maybe it’s a look, a glance from a stranger. But something about it sets you off. . .Your jaw or stomach tightensIrritation, frustration, or anger begins to arise out of nowhereTime speeds upYour mind begins to raceThoughts about the offending action begin flooding your head — judgments, defenses, accusations…Whatever you call it . . . You’re hooked.How do you choose something different?Develop a subtle awareness for what it actually feels like to be “hooked”Learn how to recognize the feeling when it first arises and “catch it” quickerInterrupt the momentum of your habitual responses by slowing down your reactionsEstablish alternative forms of responding that come from an expansive sense of self-worth, rather than a constricted place of self-protectionGet the support you need to reinforce this change and make it a new and active part of your lifeAre you ready to get unhooked?Take this course and discover the tools needed to cultivate true inner freedom.What are the requirements?No prerequisite knowledge neededWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 21 lectures and 9.5 hours of content!Achieve freedom from your habitual response patternsTransform your habits, addictions, and behaviorsDiscover the value of your imperfections in the process of spiritual growthLearn to access your innate wisdom and inner groundDevelop tools essential to your transformation in times of duressCultivate unconditional self-acceptanceWhat is the target audience?People looking to transform reactive habits, addictions and behaviorsPeople looking to learn more from the renowned Pema ChödrönPeople seeking to better understand practices of Tibetan BuddhismMore infoThis course received good feedback on Udemy so I downloaded it with my software directly to the seedbox and am now seeding it. Thus I can’t provide any personal review.For more information and reviews go to…


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