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V.A. – How to Grow Your Own Food Summit 2014

Grow Your Own Food Summit 2014
[Webrip – 34 mp4s, 1 pdf]

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HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD – For Health, Happiness and Community -It’s the #1 Way to Improve Your Life and the Planet!Learn how (and why) at the GYOF Summit!All of the Information You Need to Grow Your Own Food… AND CHANGE OUR WORLD FOR THE BETTER! 34 presentations about the common challenges and necessities of growing your own food, you’ll learn why this is the #1 thing you can do to improve the world. • Learn how to grow and eat healthy, local food. • Change your health and life, and that of your family, friends and neighbors. • Feel satisfied that you can depend on yourself. • Trust your own ingredients. • Learn how growing your own food helps make your local community stronger.There are serious issues to address related to our health, our community and our planet. The answers begin in your backyard–growing your own food reduces toxicity, transportation and pollution, and gives you a trusted, sustainable source of nutrition and increased happiness.Here are all 34 of the amazing presentations:Will AllenThe Good Food Revolution is Here… Take Action! ◦ Good food is changing the world. ◦ How Growing Power changed Milwaukee! ◦ Get started at a small scale and learn from your mistakes. ◦ Food growing is all about the soil and your soil wants compost!Paul StametsHow Mushrooms Created, and Can Save, the Living World! ◦ Paul fell in love with mushrooms and became the world’s authority on them! ◦ Humans have 100 trillion cells in their body, 90 trillion of these are non-human cells–we’re outnumbered! ◦ The importance of mushroom mycelium as our planetary immune, nervous and digestive systems ◦ Mycelium as the keystone group of organisms and foundation of the food web.Vandana ShivaSaving Seeds, Growing Food and Stopping GMOs Can Save the World ◦ How GMOs threaten our food sources and our health. ◦ Why saving seeds is the most revolutionary act we can do! ◦ Grow your own food for your health and well being. ◦ How healthy, homegrown food connects us.Joel SalatinWhy Our Current Food System “Just Ain’t Normal” and How to Change It ◦ Joel has authored such books as Folks, This Ain’t Normal, You Can Farm and Salad Bar Beef. ◦ The farm as a romantic, magical place of awesome mystery and beauty. ◦ How to promote the cowness of a cow and the tomatoness of a tomato! ◦ Why decomposition keeps us alive.Sayer JiThe Farmacological Revolution: Rise of the Farm vs. Pharmacy in Medicine ◦ The scientific reasons why foods are superior to drugs. ◦ 3 of the most powerful, overlooked cupboard panaceas. ◦ Why local, traditionally prepared food is medicinally superior! ◦ How food choices are more important than DNA in your “biological destiny.”Erika AllenGrowing Food and Changing Food Policy While Creating Farms in Downtown Chicago ◦ Building a mini-farm in Chicago’s front yard! ◦ How to engage our youth through food growing. ◦ Whole, nutritionally-dense foods’ connection to physical and mental health. ◦ Multiple points of access for good food in the community.Ocean RobbinsThe Food Revolution and How GMOs are Disrupting It ◦ Ocean’s father gave up Baskin-Robbins to become an author and educator for healthier food. ◦ Creating the Food Revolution Network! ◦ Food growing as a powerful act that grows our health and our souls. ◦ Explaining the acronym G-BOMBS for the six most healthy foods we can eat.Gary Heine & Valerie KausenGrow Your Own Food Summit Intro-Welcome & Wrap Up-Thank you! ◦ How the small step of growing your own food is a powerful, radical act. ◦ Creating and growing a worldwide “grow your own food” community. ◦ You can start right where you are! ◦ The power of our choices every day.Stacey MurphyHow I Became an Urban Farmer in Brooklyn, NY, and so can you! ◦ Learn why food is at the center of everything. ◦ Growing food in the city changes people and places dramatically. ◦ Starting mini-farms in backyards, like in Brooklyn. ◦ How to stay nimble and grow food between the cracks of urban development.Marjory WildcraftGrowing Your Own Food for Self-Reliance ◦ Majory’s DVD has been used by 300,000+ people around the world! ◦ Why Marjory is called the “most dangerous woman in America”. ◦ Grow, prepare and preserve your own food and medicine in less than one hour a day! ◦ Cha-ching! Why growing your own food is like printing money.Toby HemenwayA Guide to Home-scale Permaculture ◦ What is permaculture? How it changed Toby’s life. ◦ Growing food and reconnecting to the cycles of life. ◦ Designing a simple sustainable backyard! ◦ Using the natural world as a model for food growing and gardening.Larry KornNatural Farming and Life with Masanobu Fukuoka, from the Translator of One Straw Revolution ◦ Learn what permaculture is and how it works in your backyard. ◦ Soil connects everything, yet we have forgotten this! ◦ How Larry came to study with Masanobu Fukuoka. ◦ Learn why natural farming’s diversity brings harmony.Michael JuddStarting From Scratch with Permaculture Design in Your Backyard ◦ Why you want to have your yard and eat it, too! ◦ How to grow more food everywhere in your yard. ◦ Growing tasty, nutritious mushrooms at home. ◦ How to use permaculture design in simple, self-build projects at home.Sylvia BenitoCreative, Simple Recipes for Home-Grown and Local Farmers Bounty ◦ Sylvia strongly believes that food connects us to our place and our soul. ◦ Stop making food your enemy and find peace. ◦ Food as a method of self-control impacting the lives of young women. ◦ How to make meals the cornerstone of your life!John ValenzuelaFinding Your Place in the Natural Design of Your Neighborhood and Backyard ◦ How to successfully grow your first garden! ◦ Learn what’s growing under your feet in your yard. ◦ Understanding the plant life in your neighborhood ◦ Design a food-growing yard that works!James BarillaLover Who Turned His Yard Into a Habitat and Learned to Live With It ◦ Conserving nature in your own backyard. ◦ How to we garden in a time of climate change. ◦ Our built surroundings affect how we grow things! ◦ Native vs. non-native plants: Is there such a thing as an invasive plant or weed?Carrie Van WinkleHoney Bee Health and How to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden ◦ A natural, urban beekeeper’s perspective on our pollinators. ◦ How a natural beekeeper is different than the old-time kind. ◦ What you can do at home to attract more pollinators to your garden. ◦ Why the world needs more beekeepers!Dr. John Zahina-RamosExciting Research Shows the Benefits of Urban Backyard Food Growing ◦ How becoming a food growing researcher snuck up on Dr. John. ◦ The potential of food growing in every yard! ◦ Why our backyards and empty lots can feed our cities. ◦ How large scale urban food growing affects conservation, reduces costs and creates sustainability.Paul GautschiGrow Your Own Healthy Food Easily by Modeling Mother Nature ◦ Growing organic food sustainably and simply. ◦ Why you don’t have to water your garden! ◦ Picking and eating seasonal foods the natural way. ◦ Tips on how to eat more raw and live foods.Kimberley KausenHow Food Growing and Cooking Brings a Family Closer ◦ Enjoy Kimberly’s simple harvest recipes! ◦ How she started growing her family’s food at home. ◦ Slash your grocery bill through gardening! ◦ How growing and preparing food has brought her family closer together.Mark FormanHow to Build a Simple Home Composter to Supercharge Your Garden Soil ◦ How Mark stumbled into composting, then told the world! ◦ Using kitchen and yard scraps to boost soil fertility. ◦ The different ways to compost in your backyard. ◦ How Mark’s children never knew soup came in cans!Eric OsborneAmazing Mushrooms, Their Health Benefits and How to Easily 
Grow Them at Home ◦ Mushrooms are the fruit of the mycelium which spreads across the earth under the soil. ◦ The many health benefits of mushrooms! ◦ Why growing mushrooms in your garden can help your plants grow and produce more. ◦ How to grow mushrooms at home.Teddie MowerThe Importance of Saving Seeds… and How to Do It! ◦ Saving seeds is one of the best ways to stay connected to the wheel of life. ◦ Why saving seeds is so important in the era of GMOs. ◦ How to eat the same fruits and vegetables our ancestors did. ◦ Learn how to save seeds from your garden.Dan SusmanA Filmmaker’s Journey Across America to Document How Urban Food Growing is Changing Cities ◦ How a food growing upbringing steered him toward his life. ◦ Filming positive examples of food growing projects around the country. ◦ You don’t have to grow everything, just grow something! ◦ Growing food is fun!Ben EvansA Filmmaker’s Odyssey to Find Hope in New Solutions ◦ Driving around the country filming hopeful solutions. ◦ Understand how trash, especially packaging, controls our lives. ◦ Food growing is empowering people to change their lives and communities! ◦ The “pigness of a pig” and why you should care.Steve Paradis Connecting the Dots in the Local Food Economy ◦ What’s working and what’s not in the local sustainable food world. ◦ Why it’s important to grow your own food. ◦ The effect that supporting local farmers has on the community. ◦ What does “organic food growing” actually mean?Dudley TappChanges in the Local Food System, to this Organic Dairy Farmer ◦ A farmer’s view of the local and national food systems and how they’re changing. ◦ Getting away from using chemical fertilizers and becoming an organic farm. ◦ How the changing healthy local food system and consumers’ desire for healthier food has improved this farmer’s life! ◦ Compost as God’s fertilizer.Shannon & Tony NavaChange the Way You Live and Create a Sustainable 
Life Without Leaving the City ◦ How growing up on a farm changes the way you see the world. ◦ The basics for becoming more self reliant in the city. ◦ Planning your garden and starting small. ◦ Soil, seeds, sun and water!Blair Leano-HelveyNatural Pest Control for Bugs Behaving Badly ◦ Working with bugs to grow healthier food for you and your family. ◦ Bug problems show how your garden is out of balance! ◦ The importance of being patient with bugs behaving badly. ◦ The growing use of beneficials (bugs) in commercial farming.Paul DysingerGrowing Your Own Food; Tips From an Expert! ◦ How to grow nutrient-dense veggies that taste amazing! ◦ What GMOs are and why you should be concerned. ◦ How to keep your garden GMO free! ◦ Dealing with pests and diseases naturally.Mason RobertsHow Food Growing in Community Gardens Can Help Grow Healthy People and Neighborhoods ◦ Bringing sustainability to those who can’t afford it. ◦ The People’s Garden Project to grow food and transform neighborhoods ◦ How to help a city grow more food and feed people who need it. ◦ Seed Bombs: A story of food, beauty, possibility, health and community.Debbie ViceHow a Composting Project for High School Girls and a Food Growing Project for Ex-offenders Transformed Them ◦ Food growing from your mother, who learned it from her mother! ◦ How food growing is changing lives. ◦ Create a science curriculum with composting. ◦ Teaching halfway house residents to create a garden and change their lives.Doug LowryGet Started Growing Food with a Simple Overview of the Seasons ◦ Doug has been growing food since he was 5 years old! ◦ Remember that growing your own food is fun. ◦ Become a tomatotarian! Why you ought to plant tomatoes every year. ◦ Expert tips for new food growers.SUMMIT HOSTS * Valerie Kausen created spiritMuse Consulting to support immediate and powerful change through intuitive healing and consulting. Her breadth of knowledge includes an understanding of the broader view of empowering people to create change. She spent six years in Hawaii studying meditation and running a retreat center which created a strong foundation for the work she is doing today. Valerie co-founded the not-for-profit 15Thousand Farmers to teach people how to grow food simply at home. She served as Executive Director for Eco Soul for many years supporting sustainable energy projects. * Gary Heine co-founded Heine Brothers’ Coffee and imported and roasted organic, fair-trade coffee for nine cafes in Louisville, Kentucky. He has traveled extensively to the coffee-growing countries of the world and helped raise awareness and implementation around fair-trade and organic practices. Gary also co-founded the Louisville Sustainability Forum, Breaking New Grounds, Cooperative Coffees and 15Thousand Farmers – organizations that have created transformational communities around sustainable local agriculture with projects on the local, national and international levels.This is Web-rip only during the live preview events, so doesn’t have the transcripts or the extra ebook bonuses (just the free bonuses for signing up) ( . . . ALSO, on Day 7… the final wrap-up talk by Gary Heine & Valerie Kausen seems to be same one from Day 1 & link didn’t work so it isn’t included.)Available to All Immediately – no


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