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Val Riazanov – Systema Science – VIP Membership

SystemScience VIP Membership
[WebRip – 29 MP4, 3 PDF]


Val Riazanov / Systema Science – VIP Membership WebRip [29 MP4, 3 PDF] Friend,Thank you for making the right decision to join the VIP Systema Membership.A quick note on how to use your membership:You will find all of my training courses on the left navigation bar. Please start from the beginning and read The Science of Ballistic Strikes eBook, first.After you have finished reading this eBook, then begin watching the list of training courses in the following order so that you will get the most of your membership.•    The Original Ballistic Strikes – 2 Courses in 7 Videos•    Advanced Ballistic Strikes – 3 Courses in 3 Videos•    Dealing With Armed Opponents – 1 Course in 1 Video•    Combat Grappling Seminar – 1 Course in 1 Video•    Ballistic Street Defense – 9 Courses in 9 Videos•    Dallas Self Defense Seminar – Application of Principals in 4 Videos•    Russian Relaxation & Joint Conditioning – 2 Courses in 3 VideosRemember, you’re getting access to 28 videos in 7 Systema training courses, which is over 11 hours of Systema instruction. Please pace yourself accordingly to get the most out of your membership.Plus… you also get access to:•    Rare Interviews with Val: Black Belt Magazine & Ex Royal Marine Monty Halls•    The History of Systema eBook – The reason why Systema was created•    Train Like a Fighter eBook – How to train your body for maximum powerAbout Systema Master Val RiazanovPersonal HistoryFirst, let me tell you a little about myself and how I came to learn this knowledge. As a young boy, I grew up in an area of the Ukraine while it was still part of the Soviet Union. There was not a lot of opportunity for me in this area, but I was eventually singled out as a gifted athlete and soon became part of the Russian Olympic Judo Squad.After several years I was then pressed into compulsory military service (that is a nice way to say I was drafted) with the Russian Army. In time, I became part of the elite Russian Special forces and worked for the KGB. Needless to say the training in combat, both armed and unarmed, during these many years was intensive. I learned things I will never teach due to how dangerous they can be in the wrong hands.Why I Decided To TeachEven what I reveal in Ballistic Striking must be used responsibly and only in self defense. As a compassionate man, I decided it was important to teach what I know. Remember when I asked you if you would feel better if you where carrying a 10 pound club?What I have learned in my years and as a master of ancient Russian Martial Arts is that you don’t just have one, you actually have two of these clubs in your possession at all times. Think about this, the average adult human arm actually weighs in between 6 – 10 pounds. Learning Ballistic Striking teaches you how to unleash that power  into your attacker.By learning Ballistic Striking you will be able to…•    Hit harder then you ever imagined•    Deliver devastating strikes from any position•    Know exactly how to strike in just hours rather then years or decades•    Stop an attack with almost no effort•    Deliver “hidden strikes” that are not seen until the point of impactYou may ask yourself why I am willing to release these instructional videos when many of these techniques are considered closely guarded secrets. It is simple, I believe that no one should be denied the ability to defend themselves. Ballistic Striking, when properly used, can save your life and return you to your family rather then ending up as a statistic, therefore, such things should not be held secret from those that wish to know them. In short, I don’t want to see•    A young woman abused by a man just because he chooses to and is “stronger” then her•    A hard working man beaten to death by thugs and his family then has to live with out him•    A young boy afraid to live his life and go to school because his is bulliedI don’t want to see anyone abused, hurt, killed or injured by the minority of society that kill, harm and steal from others just because they can. My life has been blessed since I began training students, and I am providing this knowledge as a gift in return for the opportunities that have been given to me.With the easy to learn techniques found in my training courses, you will vastly improve your ability to defend yourself. Ballistic Striking is quick and easy to learn, devastatingly effective and available to you right away. Students of any martial arts style or system will also benefit, as what is taught in the VIP Membership area is easily incorporated into their training.Military and Teaching ExperienceMy training has been a combination of Combat Sambo, Judo, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and in the Russian Martial Art of Systema. All of my martial arts experience has been ruggedly field tested due to my work in the Military, and Security Forces – so you can be assured that what I teach is designed for the real world.A Word About Ballistic StrikingThe term ‘ballistic’ comes from my research into the ‘Law of Ballistics’, which in simple terms, is the art of designing and accelerating projectiles to achieve maximum damage. In my eBook, The Science of Ballistic Strikes, you can see for yourself the power of your arms hidden in plain sight.I’ve used the following example, many times, because it’s so easy for new students to understand. Can you kill someone with a blow to the head using a simple baseball bat? Yes, and very easily. How much does a baseball bat weigh? Two pounds at most.The average man’s arm weighs in between 6 to 10 pounds. Ballistic striking is just that – it’s striking an object with ballistic power. I teach students how to accelerate the natural weight of their arms and legs directly into an opponent.The force of the impact penetrates past the soft tissue and muscle into your opponent’s internal organs – just like hitting someone with a baseball bat. Through my training courses, you will learn how to deliver strikes to your opponent’s nervous system. Once you’ve mastered these easy to learn principals, then you will literally have the power to drop your attacker in one punch.Winning A Real Life Street FightBecause my training has concentrated on delivering powerful strikes and kicks – you will learn real-life combat techniques that will teach you how win a street fight. All of my martial arts experience has been put into principals that are easily practiced, either by yourself or with a training partner. However, I highly suggest that you find another partner that you can train with. I’ve made an effort to put several two-person drills in each training course – so please find someone who’s willing to practice.As many of you already know, practicing with another person is invaluable because this training will teach you how to prepare your mind and body for a street fight. Regular practice will help you apply what you learn without tension, and it will help you develop what is called “The Psychology of Confrontation”.Real fights happen so quickly that you must train and prepare yourself to accept the confrontation without hesitation. Training with another person allows you to practice real scenarios that you may encounter in your daily life.Training ExerciseFor example, a simple method to train what you learn here is to work an exercise called “Walk the Street”. Simply put, you go about your daily business – running errands, going to the store, etc., and your training partner follows you and acts like the attacker.As you go about your daily business, your training partner would approach you to begin a fight. Use the techniques you’ve learned and apply them to subdue your training partner. This can be very fun, but at the same time caution should be applied – do not use full-power strikes, kicks, or maneuvers during the exercise. The main purpose of it is to develop your capacity to master the fear of being hurt during a fight. If you’re able to let go of fear, then your mind is able to work together with your body to stop the attack.Start Your TrainingYou now have full access to all of my training courses, and more are coming soon! I wish you well on your journey and study of the Russian Martial Arts. Please make use of all valuable education you will receive here.Thank you,Val Riazanov Russian Martial Arts Master


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