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Varena DeCuir – Soul Source Code Initiations

Varena DeCuir – Soul Source Code Initiations
[WebRip -16 MP3, document – 1 PDF]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Joy Baker – Balance Your Chakras GB ()GB is CLOSEDVarena DeCuir – Soul Source Code Initiations [WebRip -16 MP3, document – 1 PDF]This is a donated bonus to the Joy Baker – Balance Your Chakras GBProduct Page: Information:Quote:Varena’s powerful Genius Initiations™ Programs empower you to move to the next level of your magnificent Soul Self. Varena is uniquely gifted to help you move past even the most stubborn blocks and release old patterns. Once these patterns are cleared you are ready to receive targeted, organized, advanced Initiations for each energy system.The Core Genius Intelligent Soul Source Code™ Initiations support physical healing, and they are also a Spiritual Initiation process that accesses potent Electro-magnetic Radiatory Love Energy, allowing your true Soul Genius essential identity to unfold and express.Now is the time to break free from your old habit patterns and beliefs, your excuses, and problematic obstacles. With participation in Varena’s New Higher Initiations of Soul Frequency Transmissions you will DISSOLVE blockages and conditioning that have been sabotaging your life, and DISCOVER that your true Soul Identity, when set free and allowed to express, brings you a life of joyful health, gratitude, peace, happiness, and so much more. DECLARE a life of Spiritual Prosperity you truly deserve.Varena has been using The Core Genius Initiation™ process for decades. She has personally helped thousands of people locally and around the world who suffered from a range of challenging issues. She skillfully uses Initiation energy to DISCOVER your personal Soul Source Code™, then DISSOLVES the blockages that have prevented your True Soul Identity from manifesting and expressing in your life. This will put you in a place to DECLARE a life free from misguided, discouraging and harmful influences.Are you ready to move to the next level?


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