Various Authors – San Soo Journal Complete Series
San Soo Journal Complete Series
[Five Magazine Volumes – 1 OCR PDF]
TPclick Only! No leaks. Good for ocean fairing vessels and good for Place exclusive torrents tooJimmy H Woo is a PIMP! That man is an ass kicker…This series of journals has many great tales of Jimmy Woo as well as some solid MA advice here and there. Running from 94 to just up near 2000… This takes a trip over some of what was ‘hot’ in MA during that time and gives training tips and pushes debates and such. A decent and not overly difficult read. It was a quality MA publication. What a potpourri…From when BJJ hit in UFC and there was the noise on it being the ‘ultimate’ martial art (it is a core of MMA and it fucking works- the hype that it was the end all to fighting was just that tho), to the fear of AIDS in training MA in the 90s (blood contact), to styles and tactics, to tales of Jimmy Woo being the bad ass he was and so much, much more…Solid stuff of a time now past. You might learn a pointer or two. Marking Copy:Quote:The San Soo Journal was a magazine that was published for five years about this formerly secret art which was taught only to the elite in China. While others in classical Kung Fu stood postures for years and only learned portions of combat, the people of San Soo specialized in total combat. Their fighting skills are legendary! Many top Masters contributed to this magazineLinks: books by Ron Gatewood are good but a touch confusing and need more photos. Still some quality info. can DL now. Enjoy! P.S. Be sure to look into “Jimmy H Woo- The Early Years”…Solid read!
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