Verbal Advantage / Leil Lowndes – Conversation Confidence
Verbal Advantage – Conversation Confidence – Leil Lowndes
[8 CDs – MP3]
Description…The Conversation SegmentDo you know how to make a great first impression? Whether you’re talking to a business associate, on the phone, or at a party. Leil Lowndes shows you how to make a great first impression. Always entertaining and informative, she explains the secret of small talk – and how to go beyond it into deeper conversation. You’ll discover how to establish rapport with anyone and how to work a party like a politician. You’ll never feel like an outsider again when you use the secret communication techniques revealed in this program. You’ll be able to recognize the 10 most common phrases you should never use in everyday conversation. With this program, you’ll even learn how to play “Conversation Hardball” and win!With the Conversation Confidence Package you will learn the communicating skills of politicians, celebrities, and other public figures. This package includes Conversation Confidence, Listening to Win, and Word Power on both audiocassette and CD formats. Here is a sampling of what you’ll learn on each exciting and entertaining audiocassette tape or compact disc: Make an unforgettable first impression. Captivate anyone, anytime, anyplace. The secret of small talk. Transition from small talk to deeper talk. Sound like an insider in any crowd. Mega rewards for mega listening. Work a party like a politician works a room. Let your body do the talking. Reach out and touch everybody…by phone. The power of pizzazz in your conversation. The power of praise. The folly of flattery. Chewing up tough cookies. Different strokes for different folks. Play conversation hardball…and WIN! Advanced rapport establishing techniques. Talk with tigers and don’t get eaten alive! The Listening SegmentDo you posses the “”Power Listening”” skills of successful leaders? Winners listen. They pay attention when you speak and they hear what you say. Winners respond only when you have finished talking. Their secret is that they have learned how to listen well. Now you can share this powerful secret with them.On these audiocassettes or CDs you will learn: The H-E-A-R formula for effective listening. Parroting, paraphrasing, and attending behavior. Nonverbal clues that speak louder than words. 3 vital “”Power Listening”” skills that all great leaders and communicators possess. The Word Power SegmentStudies prove that a rich and varied vocabulary is a sure tool for success. If you have a strong command of words, you will go farther and get ahead faster. You will be more powerful professionally and socially.This powerful word segment contains: Audio cassettetapes or CDs that you can use at home, at the office, or in your car. More than 500 new words, each pronounced, spelled, defined, and used in a sentence. A proved self-teaching method – you review and test your progress. A comprehensive guidebook listing every word and definition When you have Conversation Confidence, you’ll never feel like an outsider again! Program Contents:Verbal Advantage “Conversation Confidence” 8 Audio CDs 1 CDRom Guidebook 1 Library quality binder Verbal Advantage “Listening To Win” 4 Audio CDs 1 CD ROM Guidebook 1 Library quality binder Verbal Advantage “Word Power Edition” 8 Audio CDs 1 Guidebook 1 Library Quality binder Program Features:Learn converation techniques for both personal and professional situations. Learn how to initiate and continue conversation with the toughest of people. Learn the most under taught skill in communication. In as little as 15 minutes a day, Verbal Advantage Word Power® audio educational programs can substantially improve your overall vocabulary and communication skills. Program Benefits:Allows you to be more competitive in your career. Gives you an edge over others. Become an all effective well balanced communicator in only just 15 minutes a day And best of all, all you have to do is LISTEN!
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