Vern Gambetta – Speed to the max
Vern Gambetta Speed to the max
[ Webrip – 12 MP4s ]
More info:…Here’s what you’ll learn from watching the video series-Vern’s influences and background in speed training-A philosophy of coaching and athletic development from one of the very best-How to make people slow….really fast (how NOT to do it)!-Where we have come from with coaching concepts and how we are moving forwards-Looking back at speed breakthroughs in the past and why they happened-What can we learn from the best, what do they do well?-Sport specific speed and how we can utilise track and field-The drug era- lessons learned-The Jamaican era-A real highlight of the collection, a detailed look into how things have been done-The big speed picture- where it fits in-The components of speed and how to balance them-Summation of forces and how to apply in training-Transfer of momentum and how to coach for maximum results-Applications of science in training-The nervous system when it comes to speed training-Dynamic systems theory of learning and development-Muscular function for speed- a detailed examination-Tension relaxation dynamics-Postural considerations-Optimal step length-Stiffness concepts we MUST know about-The BEST Speed Warm-Up you’ve seen and can apply instantly!-Med Ball warm-up drills that will get your athletes moving and LEARNING at the same time-The lunge matrix that bullet proofs your athletes from injury-Integrated injury prevention movements that really do work-Co-Ordination drills that will keep your athletes thinking and learning-Partner speed drills and acceleration drills anyhow they fit together-How to link the body together for effective force transfer-Plyometric progressions that are safe and effective-Drills that you can use that require minimal equipment but will get your athletes running well QUICKLY including skipping variations, stick drills and much more-Reaction time training-A detailed critique of WORLD CLASS sprinting and how it applies to your athletes-The triangle model for starts that will get your athletes in the right positions INSTANTLY-The checklist YOU need to be going through to make sure you have the boxes ticked from a technique perspective-The importance of PRE TENSION and how to coach this-Hip mobility drills you can use straight away to get better positions with your athletes and clients-Frans Bosch concepts we need to be thinking about and Verns interpretation of this-The pro’s and con’s of dorsiflexion in coaching and drills-Water based speed training-Top speed running critique and analysis (this alone will be invaluable to your athletes and your personal knowledge)-Training and coaching applications-Strength considerations and team sport expectations in top speed running-Measuring and testing for speed and the importance of this-Warm-ups and co-ordination work-Implicit learning for speed training (massively valuable!)-Field based drills for speed development-Resisted speed and uphill, downhill running applications-Parachutes and where they fit in-Strength training and key considerations to be aware of (it’s easy to make people slow!)-Circuit training for speed-Range of motion and mobility training for speed-Warming up for movement sessions- key differences and what you need to include-Multi directional lunges- how to coach and apply in the warm-up-Dynamic reactive training- we really need to do this!-A true masterclass in coaching agility and movement training utilising implicit problem solving drills and scenarios-Balance training for all levels of athletes-The animal routine to get people thinking differently and moving efficiently-MAGNET TRAINING- unique drills to develop athleticism-Dance Drills to get people thinking reactively, chaotically and fluently-The Sway series for multi directional agility-Another coaching MASTERCLASS here from Vern-The DOT Drill for speed and agility development-Controlled speed training- how to learn and then speed up-Cutting- the speed cut and power cut. Key differences and coaching applications-Partner speed drills applied session-CHAOS Training- we MUST have this in our programmes!-Hurdle work- how to use for speed and movement training-Ladder work and it’s place in the programme-Plyometrics for speed and agility-Skill acquisition – we must make mistakes, but how to deal with them and set up scenarios-What are we looking for with Speed and Agility Training?-Gamespeed- optimal, not maximum!-How to use the ground in the context of your sport-Our role as coaches in facilitating development and seeing the bigger picture-The components of multidirectional speed and agility (MDSA)-Training considerations examined-Implicit learning for MDSA-Slide board training-Sway Drill applied case studies-Other useful tools in MDSA training-Planned performance training- Verns interpretation of periodisation-The bigger picture- we must more than the session in front of us-Planning VS Periodisation VS Programming why we need to know the difference!-Thorough breads CS Cart Horses which one are you and which are your athletes?-How to slow the game down for your athletes-Developing your philosophy and your exercise toolbox-Jump training-Strength Endurance training-How to plan your microcycle, mesocycle and macrocycle-The level of detail required in each phase of planning-Deloading and how to plan for this-How to sequence sessions using Verns model of preparation, application, adaptation-Starting with the end in mind-The real classroom where the the real learning happens-Twitter for coaching-Implicit learning continued-Learning from the best-The big jigsaw puzzle-The 3 R’s and the 3L’s that will make you a better coach INSTANTLY-How to get rid of conformational bias in coaching-Managing groups and crowd control-Distortional techniques that will create faster learning-3M + 3P = WIN-What a centipede can teach us about movmeentupped by Sheefo.
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