Victoria Gallagher – Allergy Control Hypnosis
Allergy Control – CDs
[AUDIO – 5 MP3]
Are you curious how to get rid of allergies? Are you sick and tired of dealing with your allergy symptoms? You’d love to find some relief from allergies, wouldn’t you? Hypnosis is natural allergy relief.In hypnosis, you imagine yourself free of allergies and it becomes your reality.Your subconscious mind controls everything your body does unconsciously. If you can imagine yourself becoming completely free of allergy symptoms, your mind will naturally and easily allow that to happen, during these FOUR potent hypnosis sessions:Immune System Journey:This session helps you to develop in your mind a vision of a life free of allergies. You will see yourself free of the hassles of allergies. Just imagine how wonderful it will be when you are completely allergy free!Allergy Visualization:This session is meant to inspire. It provides you with the confidence you’ll need in making the changes in your life you want to make. It will help you to commit to the hypnosis sessions and put in the time necessary to help in the re-education of your mind.Allergy NLP Process:This session will help you to isolate the part of your mind that triggers your reaction to the allergy. Once you’ve isolated it, you can begin to work on it and eventually control it. And with control, you will find you can do anything.Positive Thinking for Allergy Freedom:This session will help you to reinforce the goal achieved during the prior three sessions. This re-wiring of the mind will help you to realize that you are free of allergies for good. Your subconscious mind will allow you to feel good in all situations!Let hypnosis help you to relax away your allergy symptoms today.When you decide to buy our Allergy Control Hypnosis Set, you are going to find Victoria’s voice soothing hypnotic suggestions right to the core of your mind and guiding you toward your unlimited potential to create permanent change in your overall health, as you become allergy free at last. These hypnosis sessions are so relaxing and easy to absorb.
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