Vin Dicarlo – MasterMind Briefing, Female Psychology Exposed
Vin Dicarlo – MasterMind Briefing – Female Psychology Exposed
I’m about to let you in on a veryprivate (and somewhat shocking)CONVERSATION.I was actually WARNED by one of mycompetitors to NOT send this out.You see, this “conversation” and therecording that came out of it, is aboutto cause some serious changes to thisindustry….almost to the point where a fewwidely held beliefs are going to beexposed as bullshit!But in the interest of full disclosureand TRUTH, I AM GOING TO SENDTHIS OUT.After all, if I get in trouble for this, I’ll know in my heart it was for a good cause.This “conversation” is nearly70 minutes long….It’s a conversation between ME, a goodfriend and… a seemingly “well behaved”girl.She’s the stereotype “good girl” andeven referred to herself as “Daddy’slittle angel”.Her blouse and skirt covered all skinabove her knees, and her “nice girl”smile wouldn’t be out of place in achurch choir.She sat down……got herself a glass of wine,And this “average” girl came out withsome outrageous confessions…Pretty soon the conversation got on thetopic of “Well, have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?”She smiled and answered candidly…”Every… Single…. One.”And what followed was an in-depth-wordremoved–wordremoved–wordremoved–wordremoved-YSIS and FULL REVELATION of FEMALEPSYCHOLOGY and the DISTURBING DETAILSthat surround the contradiction that istheir DOUBLE LIFE.At this point you might be wondering WHY she would reveal this seemingly “damming” information to men…And that’s a good question.In this world, there are two”categories” of men.There are men who are, as we say “In The Know”… Extreme Naturals and an elite class of trained pickup artists.And there are men who are “Out TheKnow”… which is everybody else.You could think of the In-The-Know guysas a club – an exclusive group with less members than people who ACTUALLY read “Playboy” for the articles.Only “In The Know” guys can talk towomen on this ‘super-human level’ ofhonesty.We talked for a full 2 hours and I gotkept the tape running the whole time,But halfway through, I started to freakout because…I looked back on some of the”one-liners” my ex-girlfriends had usedin a new light…And completely changed my beliefs aboutmodern dating.She even talks about how “Out The Know”boyfriends of hers get SHOT DOWN whenthey try to get a “piece of theaction”…You might ask:What is the secret to an “In The Know”guys’ success?Well, aside from his passion to learn as much as possible…(which is a quality that GUARANTEESsuccess using my style of game, btw)and his ability to escalate smoothlywith women…It’s his BELIEF SYSTEM that women canpick up on from a MILE away.And that’s exactly the topic of thismonth’s MASTERMIND CD.In this conversation, we discussed:* One key factor that distinguishesan “In The Know (ITK)” guy from an “OutThe Know (OTK)” guy… And why ITK guys are sleeping with20 times more women.* The shatter-proof belief system “InThe Know” guys have that women can feelcoming from a mile away* The mental “short-circuit” that FORCES her to lie to an “Out The Know” guy about her true sex life* How to decode the “signals” from girls who cheat — Before it’s too late to swoop in and take over* 4 “top-secret” club-guy motives womenthink YOU have… The game plan to fixit in full-color detail* Strategic social-alliances women useto pull the wool over an OTK’s eyes -With ‘undercover’ family members andstartling “white” lies* One “off-hand” joke that MEANS she’scheating on you… How one precisecompliment can (surprisingly) stop her* Why going “straight to dating” makesyou her gender-bending “guy friend”..And almost guarantees she’ll cheat* How she uses “Michael Moore” logic toinvent boyfriend problems… And justify screwing an “In The Know (ITK)” guy* Why a woman’s way of sleeping aroundis a ‘house of cards’ that ensuresthere’s no messy after-the-fact guilt* The main reason she cheats is mostlikely one over-looked part of your sex life…and NO it’s NOT what you’re thinking* How many TRUE random acts of jealousywomen want, and the answer isn’t “none”* Why her “ace in the hole” sex-partnerwould NEVER make her boyfriend jealous,in fact-He probably sees them togethereveryday!* 3 hard-wired reasons she doesn’t lieto “In The Know (ITK)” guys that havenothing to do with pick-up* How to tell if a girl is dating youbecause she’s out for stone-cold revenge* Why there’s no “untamable” woman. Even the most hardened man-eater wants to fall in love… With an ITK guy* How she uses sex to separate ITK guysfrom break-up material… 3 tricks thatcement your place in her mind* The fuzzy female logic that puts a gag on her morals and lets her cheat “guilt-free” with any “In The Know” guy* Two deceptive cheating tactics thatare too shockingly simple for OTK guysto notice* The only GOOD jealously that createsexcitement and bulletproofs yourrelationship from other ITK guys* Simple ways an ITK guy uses herlogic-breaking beliefs about clubs andbars to take-over her “boyfriend” slot* Why being ITK gives you access to ANYwoman for dating or sex… Especially if she already has a boyfriend* Intoxicating “bio-triggers” that force her to date two men at once… To weed-out who’s REALLY In-The-Know* 3 under-handed schemes women use onOTK guys to get expensive gifts andtravel without giving them sex* The “one strike rule” for cheating,and why your relationship isimpenetrable if you’re “In The Know”* A simple system ITK guys can use tocraft an invincible “steel cage” aroundhis relationship… If he chooses to get into one* How to talk to your friends about this stuff without giving them a shockwave “reality check” that’ll scare them into celibacy
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