Vin DiCarlo – Social Circle Dynamics V2
Social Circle Domination V2.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
This is currently free to download from: the 20th of July 2008.. after that it is taken down.This is the email that Vin Dicarlo sent out advertising this ebook that he is giving away free:I’m going to let you in on a secret. I’m about to tell you the EASIEST way to get laid.EVERY. Damn. Night.Here’s the story.About a week ago, my trainer Matt gave a live”Social Circle Game” presentation to myMastermind group.He talked about how exactly (step-by-step) tobuild a social circle numbering in the THOUSANDS.The presentation and the Q+A that followed were sodope and in-depth, we turned his ideas into an eBook.And if you want a social circle that HANDS youwomen on a silver platter, go ahead and downloadthis book for free… do it in the next few days – before the linkcomes down for good.I don’t care who else you tell or how many timesyou download it; this is purely a gift to you.(and in a few seconds I’m gonna tell you exactly what’s in the book)At this point you might be saying… ————————————————-WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?————————————————- Before I answer that, let me be straight withyou.There’s no “hidden cost” or “up-sell”.and no, I didn’t help write this .pdf. If I did, it would be tons raunchier.I’m not trying to make a DIME on this. ————————————————-HERE’S THE GOD’S-HONEST TRUTH————————————————- The .pdf is called “Social Circle Domination” andit’s DAMN good.In fact it might be the ONLY book that is REQUIRED tohold-down a steady girlfriend.Matter of fact, I’m positive that if you USE whatyou learn in Social Circle Domination, you will bemore successful with women.It’s not the toughest thing in the world tofigure out, you know?Bigger Social Circle = Meet More FriendsMeet More Friends = Meet More Women …and Meet More Women = Have More Confidence(Again, that’s just my opinion. I’ve been wrongin the past…)And that’s why I want you to have it. I think you will be more successful in life OVERALL.Anyway, here’s the part where I have to tell youa small confession. ————————————————-I’M GIVING IT AWAY for PURELY SELFISH REASONS!————————————————- But hey… at least I’m being honest about it. Let’s face it… If you use this book to build a gigantic socialcircle where hot women are practically THROWN atyou, you’ll have many more opportunities to use mytechniques, thus building our relationship.You will get more benefit from my bootcamp, get moreout of Mastermind and just plain learn faster.Plus, hopefully you can tell that I ACTUALLY GIVEA DAMN about your confidence and success meeting women.Partially because the more successful you are,the more you’ll actually be able to understand my advanced stuff.And partly because I’m a pretty nice guy at times.Being a “nice guy” is pretty fun when you’vegot people actually enthusiastic about your ideas.I get to show you exactly how good my content is,and why everyone is raving about it. Oh, and thisone other little thing… IT’S CALLED GOOD WILL!…And I need all the extra karma I can get.But I’m rambling and that’s not the point.You NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS GIFT. THE DEVIL’S INTHE DETAILS: you want to have a dope social circle withwomen you can fuck, tomorrow, download this shit.(If I could, I’d hack into every other competitor’smailing list and broadcast this gift to everybody…but I’d probably get sued in a heartbeat…)————————————–HERE’S WHAT’S IN YOUR GIFT————————————– Social Circle Domination (approx 17 pages)This is the most important content I can possiblygive you on Social Circle Game. MORE important that ANY escalation stuff, Drillsstuff, or anything else. Period.In this book, Matt lays-out the most powerfulsteps I’ve ever seen to meet specific people.(With social circles in the thousands, by theway.)These “Connectors” keep spreadsheets full ofpeople’s names, contact info, etc… and still thinkit’s normal to remember everyone’s birthday.These simple steps are responsible for him beingable to walk down the street and know everyone,popular in a way I thought reserved for rock-starsand movie gods.No kidding. He gave my Mastermind men a live, real-timepresentation of this info last week. He evenstayed up way past his bedtime for the Q+A (Thetime difference is a bitch).The best part is, he shows you every step of theprocess so it’s easy.Trust me. It’s big. REALLY BIG. (It’s fuckinghuge like a caveman boner.)In fact, after Matt gave his live Q&A sessionwith slanderous examples he flat-out refused toput in the book…The feedback and response was so great that itwas instantly a smash hit.Hey, they’re my golden children so you know I’vegot to hook them up first.Well, it’s all in your hands now… ————————————————- YOU CAN JUST FLAT OUT HAVE THIS BOOK————————————————- All you have to do is click the link beforetomorrow night is over. The cut-off time for this is midnight tomorrow,July 20th.The reason I’m being strict on the time isbecause:1. Putting it on a time-line WORKS. This is theonly way to guarantee you’ll take full advantageof this gift. 2. I don’t want to deal with keeping track of thebandwidth this stuff uses forever. Enjoy Social Circle Domination, -Vin P.S. Feel free to tell anyone you want aboutthis. P.P.S. There really is NO catch. Just click thislink right now to get hooked up proper.
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